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Forum Post: Social Liberal and Fiscal Conservatives

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 11, 2012, 10:06 p.m. EST by liketofish (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Why are there not more poeple like me? I have no problem with same sex marriage, gay adoptions, and legalized drugs. I do however have a problem with extremely high tax rates. Manufacturing jobs have went overseas based on our need for cheaper items. If we weren't so focused on the best price then jobs would have stayed here. Wal-Mart succeeded based on our need for lower prices at the expense of american jobs and now we are pissed. And the response is to be mad at the wealthy. It was our own desire for cheaper products that led to outsourcing. What would a higher tax rate do? It would only make the products that we buy more expensive. Corporations pass their cost on to the consumer, us, so why is this a good plan?



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[-] 2 points by ChemLady (576) 13 years ago

I think a lot of people are like you. Unfortunately most of those surveyed think their own taxes are too high. I'm not as worried about high as I am about a fair distribution of taxes. There aren't enough rich people to pay for what we want government to do. Eventually everyone's taxes have to go up. I'd like to see corporate welfare ended, corporate taxes raised, deductions gotten rid of. We all will have to pay more, but as long as it's everyone I don't personally have a problem with it.

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 13 years ago

The unfortunate fact is few can resist the temptation of lower price, even if they're against the decay of our manufacturing sector (and share your concerns about US jobs moving overseas). This is why we need trade reform, something like the border tax equity act being proposed in congress (which most likely has little chance of success, unless people really begin to rally behind this issue).

[-] 1 points by philosophersstoned (233) from Gypsum, CO 13 years ago

Repeal NAFTA and CAFTA would be a good start

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 13 years ago

The border tax equity act would represent a defacto repeal of these trade deals (including WTO, which is much more harmful than either NAFTA or CAFTA in terms of the raw number of jobs lost), unless WTO (and in the case of our regional trade deals, presumably the other signatories) agreed to its terms.

[-] 1 points by philosophersstoned (233) from Gypsum, CO 13 years ago

There are tons of people who are like you SAY you are - no problem with legalization and equal rights for the gays, but a problem with "extremely high taxes."

However I'm venturing to guess that you're definition of "extremely high taxes" is retarded, and therefore you feel isolated from the reality-based community that understands that US tax structure is extremely unbalanced towards low taxes for the top 1%.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Well I don't like to fish but I do agree with what you say. I think government should be shrunk which means that they don't have to raise taxes. However, the import taxes should be raised to equal China's to put us on the same level. As a country we need to get back to where we were as a major world power which means we need to produce more which would create jobs in and of itself let alone bringing jobs back to the United States.

[-] 0 points by America921 (161) 13 years ago

You have some good points.
