Forum Post: Social Evolution
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 11:26 a.m. EST by Idaltu
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Our sad little planet is on the cusp of social evolutionary change. Those who cling to the old notion of ‘salvation by voting’ are as desperate for change as are the most ardent supporters for replacement of all governments. The desperate emotional energy of the masses have unleashed the tumultuous winds of change preceding a new dawn for humanity. We are now witnessing these changes in the the form of protesting on the door steps of the wealthily elite who own all governments. Those in power will resist these changes with a brutality equaled in force only by the medieval inquisition. However, nothing can stop the arrival of a new dawn.
We live in a time of transition in which the dark shrouds of the past night are lifted away and new life unfolds. It is the closing of one event and the beginning of another. It is the "time between times." That which rises slowly to the surface and casts light on old fears and concerns. The night is left behind and a new dawn has come. It allows a fresh start and new growth. There is no opposing force which can prevent the 'Dawn Of New Beginnings'. Nothing can stop this process. When we let go of our distractions and focus only on the majesty of the dawn we come to realize that our illusion of fear and impending danger is nothing more than a shroud covering our inner knowledge and power. We are now on the cusp of an evolutionary shift of human consciousness. This is the dawning of a new age and new opportunities. Nothing can hold back this dawn, neither the seeds of doubt that flow from the dark rivers of religion and government, nor the whimpering pathetic moans of naysayers. Let go of the distractions of fear and violence and embrace the light of a new beginning.
Beautiful words
I believe the paradigm shift has already begun. Not everyone is noticing it yet. It's being fueled by the same technology that allows us to communicate here. The pattern is apparent and will become more apparent very rapidly. The interconnection between us will only become stronger. We are feeling and knowing it because it's not going to happen, it is happening.
Some of us, in the fields of science and engineering already understand just how it will happen. It's because we know the technology intimately, and in my case, I design with it.
We need more dreamers!!!
I am beginning to agree. Something is building and growing momentum.. but I don't know what. Something will change.. but I don't know how. There is a a new future on the horizon.. but I am not able to envision it. The Occupy movement is a premonition. It is a side-effect, not a cause.
It is a premonition....enjoy the ride....we are living in the most interesting of times.
Indeed. Thank you for your post.
Sounds like the opening to the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Unfortunately you at Zuccotti Park...are the Oarks.
Thank you for reading my post.
"""When the Moon is in the 7th house ... and Jupiter aligns with Mars ....
Then peace will guide the planets and love love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius """
In other words, there is nothing that is new under the sun. This is just tired old hippie rhetoric from the 60's.
Sorry to upset you - but you are not new.
I'm not upset...and I am glad you read my post. Thank you.