Forum Post: So, who has your write in vote?
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 14, 2012, 5:37 a.m. EST by economicallydiscardedcitizen
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Murkowski was elected by Alaskans by a write in vote-the wholehearted choice of the people when their ballots lacked a choice acceptable to them.
After being disappointed by several administrations from here on out the most suitable candidate if not listed among the options will get my write in vote and I'm beginning to think the American voter is more than tired of being Sh@t on by the corrupt bipartisan party/Democrats and Republicans.
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies."
Myself. :)
I will not vote for Obama or any of the R's running. I will vote. Obama may be marginally liess evil than the R's, but that's just not good enough. Millions of Americans lost their homes, while the top 6 banks ran off with the tax $ Obama gifted them, when he should of been prosecuting them. I'm sure Goldman Sacs holding fund raisers for him didn't influence this at all.
NDAA, ACTA. I don't trust him to not sign PCIP or EEA.
Obama approves of drone strikes on rescuers, and should be tried for war crimes. He knows this as did Bush, which is why we sit with coutries like Russia, China and North Korea as holdouts not part of the ICC.
These things can not be accepted.
Either Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum; that's who'll have our write in vote.
Gary Johnson
the greens
These four men REQUIRE that you vote for Obama
If you don’t believe them,
…….ask Newt Gingrich or John McCain about Citizens United
…….ask the family of any soldier killed in Iraq about bush v Gore
Are you afraid to
……tell me why supreme court appointments make no difference ?
If you cannot see the difference between the democrats and the Rs –
.……and that President Gore would invade Iraq, or NOT read his PDBs –
…………..……………………………………………… are blind
If you want to do what Davis & Lee failed to do
……………..……………………………………….…….you are crazy
Obama got me once ............. it'll never happen again !! He's shown his hand through his actions.
It's 3rd party time !!
Yes, it is. I think the American Public if we start voting with our hearts, minds and write in votes where applicable may eventually make a difference in bucking the structured trend of s-elected candidates...
There is an online primary going on at Americans Elect. They intend to put the winner of the primary on the ballot as 3rd party candidate in this election. You can sign up and vote in the primary here -
so you are pissed at Obama - join the club
can you answer my question
Are you afraid to ……tell me why supreme court appointments make no difference ?
or do you want another crapitalist scali-thomas-roberts-alito ? another question-
do you vote motivated by anger or vengence ?
or do you vote for what is best for America ?
I prefer Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren - so what!
The lesser of two evils is still evil. If I don't trust him; I don't trust him to make supreme court appointments either. Perhaps a 3rd party president would win my trust. Or perhaps a Rethug wins the WH (not w/my vote) and takes us completely over the falls; maybe then ALL Americans will join OWS and DEMAND the change that was promised in 2008. I don't know; what I do know is I'm voting for a president that has the best interest of the country at heart ................. NOT the best interests of their campaign financiers. If no one fits that bill, I won't vote, since the ballot doesn't (but should) have previsions for NOTA.
"I don't trust him to make supreme court appointments either. "
You don't need to TRUST him
He already made two appointments. Do you like or dislike them? Why? What dec isions h ave they mad that you disagree with? Why?
But the question is, where in the hell were Al Gore's idea about climate change when he was running for president? Same thing as Obama, so long as you're in the spot you're pandering to the elite.
How much worse can you get than a president who will pass the NDAA on new years eve? like he didn't have some kind of party to attend that day... but he choose to set the stage for massive military action against his own citizens just in case occupy gets any bigger when the economy tanks over the next few years.
Do I love the Democrats - NO
Do I love Obama - NO
Just to pick one item - medical system
Should we have Medicare for all like the rest of the world? YES
Are all of the opposing Rs asleep on this issue? NO
Is Obama the American king who can order ANYTHING ? NO
Did Obama fight hard for Medicare for all? NO
Should we get rid of all Medical Insurance Companies? YES
With an Rs in the White House, would any medical reform exist? NO
With an Rs in the White House, would BinLaden exist? YES With an Rs in the White House, would GM exist? NO
These four men REQUIRE that you vote for Obama
John Roberts + Antonin Scalia + Clarence Thomas + Samuel Alito
If you don’t believe them,
…….ask Newt Gingrich or John McCain about Citizens United
…….ask the family of any soldier killed in Iraq about bush v Gore
Are you afraid to
……tell me why supreme court appointments make no difference ?
Oh, believe me I understand your point.
Its just that the choice is not really between the Ds and Rs. The choice is whether or not to send the lying sack of hot air packing, because doing otherwise only invites future hot air balloons to pull a similar ruse.
Why did he have to cower to the banks? He was elected because the people loved him. It wouldn't have mattered if his campaign budget was $5, they would have voted him into a second term anyway IF he had actually tried to do what he said he would or at least slapped a few vetos on things like the NDAA.
Unfortunately it seems there is one year of 4 that seems to be useful, election year, when he has to pretend that he actually cares.
I'm not saying Rs arn't much worse because they are, but its a choice between rewarding a liar (who came at the worst possible moment) or voting for someone who might actually care but will result in the Rs taking back the white house due to the fact that a third party candidate will never be elected.
Seeing a less conservative judge appointed to the court would be nice, but the price tag is pretty high. Do people who get swindled over ebay decide to buy from the same seller again? How do you beleive that he's not going to appoint another Clarence Thomas if someone slips another $50 in his back pocket?
Cindy Sheehan!.. In a heartbeat.
The vast majority of OWS will vote for Obama . He is their democrat god who will vanquish the evil conservatives and lead the Left ( and only the Left) to a utopian paradise of fairness, equality, justice, and multicultural bliss!