Forum Post: So when The Repubs/Tebags can't win they resort to NAMECALLING
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 11:46 a.m. EST by AMERICAN
from Fallbrook, CA
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It saddens me to read so many post where people make very good comments about the problems and have actual solutions. Then OTHERS who have decided to log on here and resort to namecalling. CLASSIC ! Has anyone ever noticed this besides me??? In you daily lives when you deal with these fools if they can't win a political argument because they nothing to back it up they just start cussing and name calling...SO the true person comes out. GOP.... Grand old Party...... It also interesting that Presidential runner Cain made a comment that the PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATORS ,, were unamerican!!!! Is this guy for real??? So lets just do a little history lesson. Would Mr. Cain be able to even run for president if it were not for peaceful demonstrations that brought about change in our society??!!!!
THIS IS AS AMERICAN AS IT GETS!!!!!!!! GO OWS!!!! THE Number one demand should be get corp. money out of politics!!! we paid to support them now they are dragging us down.... We should also hold banks Like B of A accountable. ONE way is to use that OTHER tactic used in the sixties that I mentioned earlier.... CLOSE ALL ACCOUNTS WITH THEM>>>> Put them out of business. Exercise consumer power! United consumer power! That right to exercise this is by the way using their own system.... Free economy/supply and demand.
The other favorite tactic is making shit up. Remember all that crap about death panels? And the birther nonsense. Agree that at the center of our problems is corporate money buying influence. This is not a Republican or democreatic issue. Its about one man one vote and its fundamental to protecting our democracy. Don't let fox news tell you differently. ;)
What I wonder is why all these right wing people would be so interested as to actually log onto the site. People who are really down with this are not misinformed....they know exactly what they are doing, so spare me the "information" garbage. I say they are here because they were sent by the King of the Trolls. Cain is just his minion.
Cain's daddy told him to go sit in the back of the bus and not cause trouble back in '63. He had other people do the dirty work so he could sit on his CEO throne.He actually called the freedom fighters(or his daddy did) 'TROUBLEMAKERS". The people who made it possible for him to scream "Im not angry" today. Cain is part of the 1% just like the rest of those gops/teabparty.
Hence, I agree totally with you. The only way to really target the 1% is to shut down your accounts with all or any banks,cc comps.or department stores.There only concern is how much money they make or lose off of US... the 99%. Six months will do the the breaking.