Forum Post: So when are you "protesters" going to the next level?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 4:29 p.m. EST by PoorMans007
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So when are all you sniveling whining economically butthurt pussies gonna step up your weak fail attempt at a protest?
You are nothing more than a distraction. An annoyance at worst, amusement at best. Look at all the Wall Street capitalists looking down upon your filthy wretched hordes, while sipping champagne, eating caviar and mocking your plight.
Pathetic, you are.
Chants don't work. Sitting on your asses begging for food and shelter makes you fodder for the water cannons and rubber hoses. Crying about how life isn't fair makes the world point and laugh.
You all need to grow a pair, nut up, and get angry. I mean pissed off not gonna take any more of this motherfucking bullshit angry.
Violence. And plenty of it. Served with a cold heart and with a burning rage. This, they will understand. This will get their attention. No protest has ever succeeded without judicial use of violence.
The weapons of the downtrodden and poor have always been metal pipes, rocks, and fire (Molotov cocktails).
Utilizing what's at your disposal, you can slaughter your capitalist oppressors and make Wall Street burn, if any of you have the balls to do it.
Sadly this would only bring marital law and completely ruin the protests. When there are more protestors in each city than streets to fill them.. This will work just as well
Marital law, LMAO.
Morey!! Get your lazy ass back in here and take out the garbage, you worthless lout! If you think I'm going to stay home and clean up after you all day while you're out gallivanting around, you got another think coming, buster!
Get back in the kitchen and make me a goddamn sammich, woman
get back into hell and soak up some flames, imp.
I'm bringing the flames to this party
and i'm bringing the water. and your full of BS and now your soaked. Troll fool instigators are not interesting, not welcome, and not part of the movement. So go suck your thumb and piss yourself and leave the protesting to adults.
Your water is weak. weak like your feeble, futile attempts to troll in my thread.
My fire is strong, easily defeating your water. you should stick to making sammiches, and leave the protesting to the men.
After the world crumbles to our might, You shall be my sammich maker. You shall also make many babies.
Now get your ass back in the kitchen, woman.
And where's my goddamn sammich? Don't make me get after you with my belt
bad troll, no sammich. you couldn't get after a bunny rabit, your a fat lazy old retard. your fire is weak, and nobody is going to listen to you. your out, and your foul, and your fouled out.
As bad as it sounds, this comment is correct, there's never been success with a peaceful protest. Historically, peaceful movements never worked. The closest may be Ghandi or MLK but they were accompanied with violence. Unfortunately, the same laws apply today and blood is going to have to be shed.
Here is the difference. Dont start the voilence... Wait for them to draw first blood and make dam sure its video taped and recorded for posterity.
When its time for war, its time for revolution its not started on a sour note on your part.
Be smart and fight smart.
So LET THEM laugh!!! We'll see who laughs last...
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma GANDHI
Remember the short, toothless, bespectacled guy dressed only in a kind of oversized diaper? No balls, right? Well, this "loser" BROUGHT THE WHOLE BRITISH EMPIRE TO ITS KNEES and liberated India JUST AS WE NOW NEED TO LIBERATE AMERICA. How? Strictly through non-violence and BRAINS.
By contrast, Spartacus led a violent revolt of the slaves against the Roman Empire - oh the guy had "balls" alright - but in spite of all his good intentions and the worthiness of his cause, the revolt failed miserably.
So you can keep your Molotov cocktails and your "cold heart" and your "burning rage" and all that "AGENT PROVOCATEUR" bullshit to yourself. Let the adults handle this.
The civil conflict you advocate is entirely unnecessary and counter-productive in a democracy, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
This is exactly the discourse of the classical "agent provocateur".
There is no way to peace, peace is the way.
"Velvet Revolution"??????
will YOU go quietly when they come for you? will you fight uselessly after it is allready too late?
or will you stand up now, and overthrow (via peacefull means) a corrupt and evil government of the elites, for the elites, and by the elites?
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a "peacefull" overthrow.
The only way is for the blood of the evil elite to run waist deep through their gilded streets
sorry, no, the only way this can happen is for evolutionary processes to run through. blood in the streets is not an option.
Not an option? It's mandatory. If you don't have the stomach for it, then go peacefully protest in the kitchen while you make me a sammich.
your trolling. no its not mandatory, and no its not going to happen. your a bitch, go make your own sammich. your also a sexist prig, so piss off.
While you're in the kitchen making sammiches for the real men who have the grapes to fight a war on your behalf, I'll be thinking of you while I piss on the steps to the NYSE.
I'll shout "This is for the gawdoftruth", so you know it's me.
And then you can bring me my sammich
back in reality, none of that will ever happen, because you are a ball-less tool and arm chair fatso whos just trying to incite other people to do shit- and you will never show up anywhere other than your couch and the refrigerator.
Bullshit!!! Charles Manson thought that way and look where it got him.
Even the most radical of Marxists would agree that years of protests and numerous failed attempts at peaceful social change preface a violent revolution. We're really nowhere near that yet.
also, no. there is not enough support to go violent....yet
I'm afraid you might be correct on this point. The ruling elite are laughing at these dirty socialists. Until the money controllers lose property of their own, the only ally the Occupy communists have is Obummer.