Forum Post: So What's Up With The Creepy Talking In Unison?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 2:40 p.m. EST by Tryagain
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OWS speakers get echoed by the protesters about every 5 words. It's some strange new form of collective moonbat talk. So, what's up with that?
Is this simply what to expect from people that couldn't figure out that student loans were a choice or is it just the pot talking?
The problem is simple. How do you communicate to large groups of people without being allowed to use voice amplification. The benefits:
1) Forces the speaker to actually think before he speaks. 2) Allows people who are less skilled at debate to follow easily. 3) Removes emotion from the conversation and focuses instead on the points being raised. 4) Removes "Ranting." Points are clear and concise.
The problem is simple: Before you is a group of people with at best vague ideas of why they're there. In front is a committed leftist who's wanted socialism for probably all of his/her adult life. Then the brainwashing starts. It's creepy collectivist-speech and something that just isn't a part of American life, well, outside of cults anyways.
What kind of ADHD problem do these crowds seem to have? Seriously, people need to repeat a speech in 10 word bursts to be able to focus? Holy shit, how did they make it through high school?
Dude... they are literally, by law, not allowed to use voice amplification. It gets them arrested and beaten, not that they need to give an excuse to the police for that.
It's, quite literally, the only solution available to them.
Dude, they're doing this everywhere. Dude, they were doing this in Wisconsin too sitting around each other in a room. Dude, it's creepy.
Some people have taken it on as an identity. A marker, if you will. That's generally what happens during revolutions of thought. People will take something that has been thrust upon them and then use it to undermine the system.
All revolutionaries have done this.
Non-identity repeating what everyone else says is an identity? It's a non-identity. You've gotta have one big vacuum inside if repeating stuff makes you feel like you have an identity.
Cults too.
So... your argument is that if a cult has ever done it, it is inherently evil.
No, just creepy and indicative of people that have a lot of problems forming and holding their own thoughts.
Could it be possible that it is both creepy yet necessary? Not sure what the alternative would be? That whisper game, where at the end, the message has turned into "I have a lost cheese sandwich"?
The RAPE of the PEOPLE by their government !!!
People are fucking stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.!!!!!!!!
You have to understand that. it is nothing against them. They are just IGNORANT.
The list of largest corporations only includes the LEGAL companies. What about all the ILLEGAL corporations That have TRILLIONS of dollars. Enough money to have their own subs they run from south america to the United States full of drugs. What about the Mafia, Yakuza? What about other black market corporations that do human trafficking, one of the largest industries in the world. The market for sex slaves is number 3 largest industry in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck your petty problems and UNITE to get the nation on track. We need to put the CROOKS IN JAIL NOW.
You are missing the big picture. This nation is no longer a nation of citizens. IT IS A NATION OF SPECIAL INTERESTS COMPRISED MAINLY OF CORPORATIONS. All sides of a debate represent a corporations agenda. Our pure ideals get co-opted the moment we Begin strategizing how to move forward. You are naive as hell if you think this whole thing wasn't designed to be an answer to the Tea Party. Obama gave wall street everything they wanted his first term in the form of the bailouts and representation in government. He asked for bipartisan effort. They scoffed and laughed in his face when he attempted to raise taxes on the (((1%))). So Obama and his cronies came up with the idea OCCUPY WALL STREET. Here is the important thing - CUT AND PASTE THIS AND KEEP RE-POSTING IT. Get the truth out there for the truth's sake. I like Obama, may even vote for him again. This is not about what party you are with. this is about the truth!
With the technology of the day, Howard Hughes' company along with mafia interests, managed to imprison him in his own house, and collude to take over all of his assets. WITH THE TECHNOLOGY OF TODAY, why do you think only men WHO HAVE FAMILIES can become president? THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NEED TO BE ABLE TO 'MOTIVATE' THE PRESIDENT. The WHITE HOUSE IS A PRISON. EVEN if OBAMA WANTED to do the right thing, HE CANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You would be right, if only a leftist socialist was allowed to use the technique. But we have seen police chiefs do it, we have seen libertarians do it, and I am sure you could do it. Since this is the case, and there are no leaders, you couldn't describe the behavior as cult behavior, I mean you could but not with an ounce of credibility.
Really you aren't remotely interested in hearing ideas that challenge YOU. That's cool, just don't disguise it as genuine question of interest. You knew from the start what the answer was, you would just rather paint the whole action is dippy hippy and brain washy. Fine, but do it directly and sincerely.
America is now a governmental system led by a shadow board of wealthy corporatists, who have almost complete power through the façade of Democracy and the controlling of the message through ownership of all major media. They subtly suppress opposition and criticism; control all industry, commerce, etc. They emphasize an aggressive nationalism, while demonstrating a lack of patriotism through the systematic transference of jobs into the global domain. They protect their interests through the court systems up to the Supreme Court that bases its decisions on what’s best for the board
See what can happen when you're brainwashed?
It does take corporate media to clean those brains. Get all that nasty thinking and questioning out of them
No, it just takes some independent thinking and that's in short supply among the chanting repeaters of OWS.
Global Fascism /Corporate world order is a much improved and user friendly version than the original single country Fascism
The new version is called “New World Order”
• You don’t have to convert your country’s form of government anymore to get Fascism on board. Version 2.0 (Corporatism) will run right on top of capitalism flawlessly and invisibly.
• Violent suppression is no longer required. With the new media ownership comes the ability to shape opinions, create villains and demons, and use fear to motivate war, voting bias, and division of the masses. You will be able to convince most citizens that all problems are related to those who oppose you reaching your goals
• The cost of the upgrade will be paid for by tax breaks and loop holes and a very high percentage of the citizens will think that is a fair deal and will vote for politicians who openly protect your interest.
• The best feature of the Fascism 2.0 is how resilient and indestructible it is. The fact that it is invisible is without a doubt the best feature of Corporatism/fascism2.0
• 2.0 like the original Fascism is still susceptible to “uprising” virus. But thanks to the new media controls that is easily suppressed by demonizing, demoralizing, denial of a problem or motive, not reporting etc.
• There’s one potential problem: There is one thing that leads to what we call system self-destruct. It is the greed virus. There will never be a problem as long as a greed virus does not develop. When the greed virus creeps in, it triggers the occupation virus, which will create system awareness. This will cause 2.0 to lose it’s transparency and become very opaque. The next thing that happens is internal alienation. At that point the system crashes and will require reloading. It is very likely the system will not allow 2.0 to reload on top of it because of the damage it caused
• Disclaimer: If the 2.0 crashes because the greed virus was allowed to begin the destruction of the system, you warrantee is void
Ever heard of Hobson's choice?
Wow, isn't crazy how they're now invading the forum and using the keyword "cult"? Pay no attention because it's just another way for them to label OWS and get it fed into talk-radio and the media to undermine what OWS is about, spread their poison and disrupt. Here's a thought, if you find it cult-ish, don't listen!! If you don't hear a message, stop looking and get back to sniffing the hole your stuck up!! As for OWS backers/participants; waste no more time trying to explain yourselves. It's obviously not a cult and these random sheep are here trying to disrupt and create doubt. Screw them!! P.s. Student Loans were a choice? Yes dumbass, if you want an education and are not wealthy, well, I have news for you, you take out a student loan. Usually, what happens is, you graduate and find employment and pay down your debt. You don't expect to have to compete with 300 other people for the same job and low pay, until you get the call that says you didn't get the job. Now, you're living at home and draining your parents savings, if they have any, and falling deeper into debt because now you're loan is due. You defer, but that interest gets tacked on and makes it worse. Time goes by, still no work. Let these kids fight, if you don't get it, drop off the forum, you're not listening. If they want to repeat every 10 seconds, let them and if you don't like it, don't involve yourself. Stop speaking against something you clearly admit "you don't get", including invading the baord with your "keywords", we know the practice, we've seen this so many times in history. I guess this time it's "they sound like a cult, ew, they're so weird, ew, I don't get it", we see you, we know what you're up to and we're over it!! The participants of OWS and the bakers of OWS "get it".
I don't like the speaking in unison either. It makes us look a little silly, we'll probably end it as we continue. We need time to grow and mature.
That's an understatement. While you're maturing, reflect on the fact that borrowing is a choice, college students are supposed to be grown ups and know what they borrowed, that changing banks is easy and was always an option, that democracy means more than just half the population paying taxes to the Feds, and that free will still exists.
It shouldn't take tons of money, just to attain the opportunity to go to work in a capitalist economy. Otherwise, those without money, will never attain upward mobility. In the early 20th century, it didn't take a hundred thousand dollars to get trained for a job. And it shouldn't require being rich, or getting in tons of debt just to start a business to try to make some money. The system is rigged on phony money that doesn't even exist, and when the lenders want more? They just demand more of our tax money through the fed under the falsehood of "stimulating the economy". I dont see how you don't see it that we have this massive scheme, to keep the status quo in power and rich, and to bankrupt the middle class. Everything is based on loans now, and the ones offering the loans are the same ones increasing the inflation. Then they turn around and offer a faulty FDIC backed, 30yr loan. Its a crappy system. It would be fixed if only there were limits to how many years a loan could be. Its a fact that in better economic times in this country, it was required that you have 20% down, and pay back the loan in 10-15 years. Whats with this deregulated crappy lending system we have now? All it does is cause inflation.
If money doesn't exist, send me yours. Ease up on the crazy person talk.
Housing was hurt by the REGULATED part of the market too, you should realize. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA are all government and it's they who underpin the 30 year mortgage market. You might know it, but Fannie and FHA were started by liberal hero FDR in the Depression. Then, they never shut them off and gave Fannie a twin in 1970. They all also had heavily politicized lending practices to bring credit to "underserved" markets. Well, they were underserved mostly for very good reasons.
And I agree, the govt has been, and most definately is part of the problem, hence why I have so much animosity for congress and the FED. Also, if we think about it, Who benefits from FED backing of the banks the most? Who benefits from Fannie and Freddie the most? Who has came out of this as the only winners? I was just watching FOX on the rising stock markets, looked at those major financial institutions coming back, off of the backs of the american people and got a little sick. Its a good thing that they've had their best month since like 2000, but its come at our price, and they will profit off of our investment. But I really believe, that those regulations that have forced banks to lend and inflate, as you speak, benefit the banks the most, and really are orchestrated by the banks. The line between banking and govt is very blurry, its almost like insider trading.
Government heavily pimped housing, no doubt.
If the big banks had failed, here's what would've happened. There'd have been a massive credit crunch like we haven't seen since the '30s. The wouldn't lend because they'd be out of capital to support lending. We'd have had a flat-out Depression.
Fannie and Freddie benefit the housing industry and homeowners. They subsidize buying homes. The government shouldn't be favoring one choice over another, but it sided with homeowners.
If you're younger, you should be really pissed. The govt has been trying to stop the slide in housing prices. That's robbing younger people of bargains to protect the equity of older existing owners. This too is over the head of the OWSers.
Dont play, you know what I mean, the money that the FED is printing out of thin air, wasn't created through tax revenue, there is no WORK behind that money, there isn't any backing in products or commodities to back that money. It was just printed and given away. Thats fake money. I go to work for my money everyday and it is very much real lol. I don't have the luxury of the govt handing me printed stacks of money like a monopoly game.
But if it's fake, send it to me. GIve it to the next person you see. You won't do that because you don't believe what you just wrote.
Of course I believe what I said. I'll try this again, and in simpler words. There is a distinct difference in money earned, and backed by hard labor, or even loaned financing. And money attained by the FED printing it up and giving it to you. The money I earned came at the expense of someone else giving it up, thus not increasing. The money they get for "lending and stimulating growth", is printed up and given away, thus increasing inflation. Its not real "sound" money. Don't understand still, let inflation increase indefinately, and money will become worthless. You would be better off doing the work yourself or bartering for some things than paying someone to do them. During the depressoin money became worthless, thus wasn't "real" or at least sound money.
But we don't have much inflation. The Fed does "print" money, but money supply is more than that and the Fed can also "unprint" money too. With the collapse in '08, the velocity of money also collapsed. Money supply in a simple way is a function of the monetary base and how many times it swirls around the economy. If the Fed hadn't printed money, we'd have had a huge contraction in money and massive DEFLATION. That would've absolutely crushed debtors already straining to repay their debts.
Inflation doesn't make money worthless, it's just re-denominates it. If prices double, but so too do your assets and your income, money still has value and you are unharmed. That's another piece of money magic that escapes the money going to zero crowd.
(The following was all done by the 1% and our govt) You create a system where you cant get a job without college education, shipping all "reglar factory, and labor jobs overseas". Then you increase the annual cost of education from about 4K to 25K a year. Then you increase inflation, after requiring everyone to buy into a rigged system, or go work at a min wage chain resteraunt or store. Without college you're limited to the burger kings, or krogers and walmarts of america. I can tell you came through america and came up a long time ago, or you would easily understand how rigged and stacked against you things are today. How about this, when you bought youre first home was the average home price 300K dollars and was a year of college 25K dollars? If not, you really have no advice, or constructive opinion on the matter.
This is why the debt bubble was so bad. People like you can't even understand how debt was a choice. It's wild how the alternative went from something perhaps not chosen to something not even understood to exist. Debt was and remains a choice.
And yes, housing debt really is a choice, you can be wise and just buy smaller homes cash, thats what im doing. Working my butt off, saving and rebuilding a cheap home with my own two hands, screw this "debt/loans" system. No one's ever throwing me out of a house, i'll live in a tent first. But debt for opportunity, such as starting a business, or going to school kinda isn't a choice. If I wasnt fortunate to be sitting on a bunch of cash, I'd have been screwed trying to go to college. Everyone isn't fortunate.
So you're going to tell someone who has commited to going through life with NO debt, and is a junior in college with NO DEBT. That they don't understand that debt is a choice? Look I understand that debt is a choice, you can live without debt, but that still doesn't change the rampant inflation that has resulted from everyone else becoming involved in a system of 30 year loans for homes and education. It creates an imaginary price that no-one can afford. Say we started giving 50yr loans, then the average home price could sky rocket to 500K, the only winners would be the banks. Im not protesting "debt" as much as I am the lack of oversight of the lending process. Oversight that our govt was adimate about having from after the depression, through at least the mid 80's. And why? Because for 50 yrs this contry had learned from the early 1900's. Ever researched the "roaring 20's"? Was just like the 90's. Everybody living it up, on a bubble of debt, thinking their rich. Gosh, dont be so limited or thinking straight forwardly. Of course its bigger than just "getting in debt".
Debt did help fuel inflation in housing and education. It was an arms race of indiscriminate buyers that chased prices higher. We learned a lot from the Depression, but it was forgotten. Those voices of caution passed away. Couple that with an unusual period of economic stability and people and institutions walked up their risk taking. Then boom.
Wow, so we agree on something, thats all i've been trying to say. And those bad decisions are honestly leaving the young people with a big stink on their hands in terms of "starting" a life. Of course everyone is hurting at all ages, the retired or soon to retire are in a big stink as well. Especially those on fixed income, while inflation is killing them.
That's understandable. Young people lack experience and were poorly served by their parents, their counselors, and their schools. I think that's all valid. Lenders are like bartenders. Looking for them to look after you was and remains a bad idea. That's one more reason the OWSers are off-base. Banks are last in line for deserving the bitching for student loans.
No loud speaker allowed usually it is the only way to get the message passed in a large group.
They do it even when there is a loud speaker. it's some weird bonding exercise so that extremely needy people can feel like they belong.
I think it's because they don't have microphones all the time and they need their voices to reach many people or be heard over loud noise.
Also, I think if people disagreed with what's being said, they wouldn't be repeating it.
I've seen video where they're doing it with microphones. Weird stuff. Take a group of hapless people barely to articulate why they're even there, put them in front of a committed life long socialist, and let the fun begin. The speaker spews, the crowd repeats... every 5 to 10 words. Show your school or parents what a pathetic drone you've become and watch them hang their heads and wonder where they went wrong.
Listen. They're doing it their way. You do it your way. You see something wrong with the world? Does it truly give you pain to see your planet in such critical damage? If it does, then do something about it and be something about it.
Given the choice of wanting to change something about this world and its inhabitants, please don't sit around and complain about how other people are going about it. Of course, this is only if you want to change something. Otherwise, please take care of yourself and enjoy your moments alive.
Really, there's no longer a right to criticize how people complain? Sure there is.
When did I say there wasn't? You're just complaining to the wrong person, and that's my opinion.
its definitely to make sure everyone hears everything being said, and its a pretty good idea, but i think it would be more efficient to stretch it out to full sentences or at least clauses
FYI: This person Is A Troll
we echo so we can hear them speak from the steps. we are not allowed to use megaphones so we use our voices instead. it is a way for the people to hear in the back.
Creepy creepy stuff. Drone speak. Cult-speak.
i watched it and I find you much more creepy. in order to be so creeped out about something, one must first have personal issues in the area in which creeps them out. please stop acting out your issues on this forum. you are being creepy.
Speaking of strange, have fun camping. You can do some more chanting tomorrow. Maybe someone will even show up with some bongos.
Repeating a person with a megaphone no less.
So what was that part about doing it so people could hear what was being said?
They do this all over. They did it in Wisconsin earlier this year, indoors, for a relatively small group. They do it into microphones too.
It's cult-ish and reflective of people with tremendous difficulty paying attention, those without thoughts of their own, or people that are extremely needy wanting a sense of belonging. But whatever it is, it's creepy.
I guess you've been living under a rock for the last month or so, or is it a bridge? Amplification devices are not allowed at Zuccotti Park, so they need people to repeat what is said so everyone can hear. I think it's actually a very clever way to get around the amplification ban.
Bullshit. They're doing this all over. It's creepy collective speak. It's cult-like.
you are full of shit. i am there and i know what this is. we echo so we can hear each other talk. we are NOT allowed to use megaphones in NYC. i can't speak on the other OWS camps, but in NYC we MUST use this technique for voice amplification purposes. GET OVER YOURSELF.
Go on you tube, you drone. They're doing this creepy cult-speak all over. Are you people so damn needy that you need an embrace every 10 words? Are you that scared?
Hapless protesters with little capacity for even articulating why they're there mindlessly repeating the words of some committed lifelong leftists. Wow, inspiring.
You're creeping us out and scaring your parents.
It started in Zuccotti Park because of the ban. I guess other occupations liked the idea and started doing it themselves. Now then my smelly little troll, is there anything else I can answer for you?
No, it didn't. The moonbats were doing this in Wisconsin earlier this year too.
Yes, they do like it. That's the point. It's creepy collective speak. It's drone -like and cult-like. All these "independent" thinkers out there repeating a speaker in 5 word bites. Wow.
You sound like you're kinda jealous. Do you wanna join in? Is that why you're so obsessed with them?
No, I think the suspension of independent thought is best left to someone on your level.
No, that's a terrible attempt at trolling. Try again.
No, that's a terrible attempt at trolling. Try again. Is that better?
Nope, try again.
Nope, try again.
How about now? Maybe if I can get 15 people at once to do it, that would help.
Maybe, try again.
I agree it sounds cult like.
How do you know what a cult sounds like?
Iv'e watch several documentaries and witnessed a few cult events. I also studied music and one of the most important aspects of cults and brainwashing is repetitive sound and echoing techniques.
Good for you. Keep up the great work Sherlock.
New agers are always cult like. Nothing new. Let's form a circle and have a group hug. Wear these crystal bracelets. They will remove the toxins from your body.
Rock stackers are like this too.
I agree about the speaking in unison.
The first videos I watched of the protests had this cult-like repeating of the speaker. That was an immediate turn-off for someone hoping to see the ideas of individuals brought to the doors of Wall Street and to Washington DC.
That is the last thing I expected to see - people repeating a mantra rather than speaking with their own voices and expressing their own ideas.
Yeah, it just isn't something we do in this country outside of cults. The scary thing too is that many of these people went to college. No wonder they're pissed about student loans if this is the extent of their acquired ability to think independently.
there is beauty in the echo as medium. the fact that it arose because voice amplification was prohibited is even more beautiful. people are helping others to hear. is that brainwashing? people are talking less and more to the point. ((did i say that?)) actually i think if amplification was permitted, it would tamper the effects of the movement - which is the power of the general assembly and occupying in general. so u people on the outside think its cult like.( but u want change too, no??) try to occupy a place of work or an instituition that has power over u with others. so many others that some others can't hear when things are said. don't u want to do act with others and in the open? in opposition to how modern society is . it's political education 101 in ameriKa, folks.
That gave me an honest laugh out loud. Thanks.
It's gay isn't it? If they chant kill the bankers re you supposed to repeat it even if you disagree? Foolishness.
It's a classic brainwashing technique. Forget what you think-repeat what I say.
Combine that with how many of them are utterly incapable of coherently explaining why they're protesting in the first place and that's what you get.
Mob rule. They seem to be against individuality.
Whatever it is, it's creepy. It's brainless drone talk. It's like a Star Trek episode on the Borg.
Damn, and these are college students besides. Truly, we're doomed.