Forum Post: So what is the decision process at the GA? I read many variations.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 9:42 a.m. EST by hillary
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I heard it was a simple majority, then I heard that 1 person can derail a vote, then I read that some decisions require unanimity, then I head that the process prevents people from swaying the vote by bringing in their friends but I don't see how.
If Occupy is suppose to be the new "way" I would hope the GA would be a shining example of what this democracy looks like.
I believe this is the core of the method ( that i disagree with )
"voting" is by "consensus" and requires 90% approval
abstentions are counted as yes votes a group can change itself to "modified consensus" which requires 75% in stead of 90%
I witnessed a group meeting whose sole purpose was to set a date for another meeting - and, using the "process" , could not do this in 4 1/2 hours.
Meetings, flooded with obstructors - only at 11% or 26% can wreck a meeting.
Why are abstainers forced to vote yes?
The "block" - a one person veto - is rarely used but, in theory could be used to stop anything.
The "process" may be the only option at the multi-thousand GA with no real microphone. But in a group of 10-50, no. Look how successful the tp is with the minority in the Senate - why cant we learn from their experience? imho
I wonder how you would scale this to the level of a country...
please dont shoot at me - but I believe our democracy is broken - by money - but is not disposable.
use it or lose it
Three organizations – AMONG MANY- NRA and AARP and Tparty have been enormously successful and powerful – by using their votes- WE MUST TOO !
Then, “grass roots” your issues :
The key, of course, is republicans in congress
Important Note:
I have no problem in fixing something that was working until recently, we just need to know what the problem is.
a "process" meeting that took 4 1/2 hours to do nothing = broken
a simple majority is an oppression on the minority.
any other decision process would be an oppression on the majority
Last nite someone lauded the GA as a shining example of a true "people's democracy", so I'd like to understand how they deal with vote stacking, filibustering and other human-nature issues.
America has evolved into a country of liars in a deep trance.
Speaking directly with all Americans is impossible. The "political correctness" trance can only be removed like a cancer if a few Americans review the possibility they might be in a trance. The budget deficit is one of many issues that prove the deep trance.
"LIAR" is called flip-flop. Its baby talk for Americans in their trance.
Looks like the veil of secrecy has fallen over the "democratic" decision-making process......
Figures, nobody knows.....