Forum Post: So, I've been having this moral issue....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:04 p.m. EST by Madhatter
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I can't decide if I should save the country or flat out destroy it....
I figure saving it is a bigger challenge and less troublesome in the long run(less expensive too).... So to do this I've been working on a piece of legislation(i know big bad system) .....anyway... My little law is starting to grow, and its looking pretty promising, but its not done. I need more time & more fixes, only then I can get it to the floor of congress.
So I ask you all as a follow 99er, let me know(in legalese) what you think needs to be changed.... And don't say crap like "kill the banks" we once had a working system in our fading republic and there is no reason we can't again...
So please give me you legal ideas(plz feel free to provide links to any other legislation), and I will try my best to finish my law as soon as possible....
Who are you ?
I'm one who peruses eternity... but really just someone trying to do good for my country which I love so....
Our nation wasn't built to last a day, it was built to withstand the ages....
Three words: Glass-Steagall Act
"we once had a working system in our fading republic and there is no reason we can't again... "
I want to believe this too. Hope so.
Help end crony capitalism it doesn't work & hurts people.
Put a cap on CEO, Executives, congressman, the presidents salaries... If our own TEACHERS have caps, than every single on o these people stated above should have the same!
Lobbyist money abolished. Peroid! 26 lobbyists per congressman. What!!! Equally 'public' or some fair type of campaign funds for candidates and no more - only millionairs can be elected to Washington. This whole system needs to be revamped. Media ownership restored to before 70's beginning of mass corporate ownership of most to all media. (Remember, "I am mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it." 70's movie btw) Now 65% media owned by one company for local areas that may be 90% because trying to track who owns wha,t is getting more and more difficult. No more monopolies on media.
That is a start.
Lobbyist money abolished. Peroid! 26 lobbyists per congressman. What!!! Equally 'public' or some fair type of campaign funds for candidates and no more - only millionairs can be elected to Washington. This whole system needs to be revamped. Media ownership restored to before 70's beginning of mass corporate ownership of most to all media. (Remember, "I am mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it." 70's movie btw) Now 65% media owned by one company for local areas that may be 90% because trying to track who owns wha,t is getting more and more difficult. No more monopolies on media.
That is a start.
Instead of trying to make laws that make people do the right thing, we should go straight to the source of weath. I propose that we start with phasing out the income tax and replace it with a land tax to be spent only for public use. If you don't understand economic rent please read on.
The theory of economic rent has been around for some time, but land taxation has seldom been implemented throughout history. It is well known that the factors of production are composed of land, labor and capital. Land, in the economic sense, can be explained as anything with a productive capacity that has not been created by men or women, but has value created by the community. Labor is any human energy spent , whether by the mind or through brute force, that contributes to a means of production. Capital is mainly what is spent from savings for future production. Under the current system, mainly labor and capital are taxed, while the landed elite make out like bandits with the rents that are created by the community! It is no surprise that civilizations have suffered from vast inequalities since the founding of the first governments.
What we need to fight for is a redistribution of these economic rents for the sake of the people, while at the same time reducing the tax rates on labor and capital. These rents from land are the source of all wealth and are presently held by a small number of wealthy people who will speculate and slow there productive capacity in order to increase profits.
This demand goes out to the people of OWS! If there is one thing we need to change in order to promote equality, environmental protection and job creation through increased productive capacity, this is the solution we need. Please read about economic rent and land taxation in order to fully grasp the concept.
This is something proven in theory and not based on anyone's personal opinion or ideology. While we are divided on many things, it's time to come together with some real demands to benefit the majority of unrepresented individuals of the world. Lets show the top 1% that we know where their unearned wealth is coming from and that we know exactly what is needed in order to bring them back to the real world!
ummm.... that would be Feudalism, which has long be out of popularity....
Where do you get Feudalism out of that? Under Feudalism the ruling class had complete ownership of all of the land. Land could be used in exchange for someone's labor, but ownership still remained with the landed elite. This tax would tax that land for public use and would decrease the concentration of land ownership among the small elite. This is exactly the opposite of Feudalism. I really don't understand how you compared a land tax to a Feudal system. Are you just trolling or are you serious? If you are serious, please explain.
we can all haz da moneyz if everyone won da lotto, then noone will be jelly
Put a cap on how big a corporation can grow. When a corporation hits such a point that it is so big that no one can compete against it, then the corporation has to be split up. And an industry can't have only three or four competitors. The competition needs to be much broader and more inclusive if we want free markets.
Community Consultations with the power to legislate finances locally and decide on local development issues as well as regional issues
Higher tariffs on US companies who moved their production plants to Maylasia, Mexico, Phillipines, etc. Set the tarrif so high they will beg to come home. Court Toyota, Honda, Toshiba, Mercedes to build plants here in America. Toyota thinks enough of our skill to produce excellence they have built 2 plants here. Give any foreign companies, who wish to build plants here, tarriff & tax breaks. If, as these corporate turncoats say, it's a Global economy, then so be it.
Radical, disruptive change is harmful. We need a smooth roadmap of getting here to there.
How do you know? Ever try it?
Address the root problem - we have allowed legalized bribery in congress by corporations and special interests for decades. They have all of our politicians bought and paid for. We need CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM if we want to break the cycle.
The root of the problem is greed and power mongering. Until people stop caring more about money and power whatever may be accomplished here, if anything, wont amount to anything in the long run.
Exactly! Until we get corporate money out of politics, all our attempted "solutions" will be watered down and/or destroyed by corporate lobbyists and enormous campaign donations from the super-rich.
We must fix the system itself before we can tackle the individual issues.
Everyone stop paying their mortgages at once. It's a surefire way to demolish everything. We'll have to adapt of course. No one can say what that would be yet though. We need safety nets like local farming and such, but I have faith it'll work.
I struggle with this myself from time to time. Sometimes I want to help fight for the cooperative commonwealth, sometimes I don't give a shit if a meteor comes and blows this country to fuck.
i don't see a proposal to critique. i would like to see if i could get you to participate in a poll
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