Forum Post: So Far, It's a Few Protestors vs. 3,000,000 Haves
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:43 a.m. EST by JayAarh
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OWS needs to activate the 99% or it will fizzle. OWS needs a simple rallying cry, the kind that energizes protest. "You broke it; you fix it! Now!" The most expert sources for solutions to the inequality in this country are the experts who have created the complex and impenetrable system that results in that inequality. The only incentive they would have for change would be that 99% of the country has gotten off their chairs and are protesting. The 99% should not have to bear the burden of reverse engineering an intentionally byzantine system. With symptoms this severe, it should be enough to point at the illness and say "Cure it, or else." Any student of history would know that the alternative is regime change.
Hit them where it hurts. Close your bank accounts and open new accounts in your local Credit Unions. Start a run on the banks. We can bring them to their knees along with the Executive and Legislative Branch and command their attention more than any vote will.
"What Uncle Sam giveth, We the People can TAKETH AWAY!"
Woa there dude NEWSFLASH!!
How about something like one of these - Divorce Congress and Corporations. Tax Reform for the 99. Make Change, Be Change. Movement for the People Against Corporate-Government Marriage.
I like the imagery of corporations and government as being married and needing to be divorced. Maybe painting the relationship as an abusive one, where the Government is supposed to be the caring Parent but is being beat down by the abusive Corporate Spouse and the Children are standing up to them both. The American people being the grown children taking a stand against the abuser(s).
I like "pay for your own god damn crisis".
That would have been good, before we dug deep and bailed the 1% out.
They're still trying to get us to pay.
The financial crisis is the main excuse given for cuts to the social safety net. "We can't afford social security anymore!".
The lash is too good for 'em.
How about: Give it back or we'll claw it back
Nice. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way".
Once the call for a general political strike is loud and pervasive enough to result in one, you'll see the 1% start coming to the table. Though such a revolutionary weapon is extremely difficult to use effectively in times of high unemployment.
Voting and protesting are the key--massive numbers are a must.
Well why don't we? Why don't we all just pick a day and decide to protest? Call in at work, take a sick day or a vacation day, and protest. All across the country. Send a message. So we should all pick a day!
The already have one that is working just fine
End "Corporate Global Domination"
Maybe that'll do it. I prefer: "End the grotesque inequality in wealth, income, and opportunity" since that's really what's wrong. Make the 1% figure out how to fix what they've broken. Hold them accountable.
I think you have identified a symptom not necessarily the problem
That's the point. The problem is myriad and purposely over-complicated. Gordian knot time. Tell the 1% who tied our country in this knot to either persuade us that this is a good thing, or untie the knot. Otherwise, OWS should be ready to cut the knot with protests, elections, etc.
The problem with that is the rest of the 99% actually work and have jobs. You expect them to give that all up to stand in the middle of the streets with you?
People with jobs are part of the movement. ::waves:: We're in the information age right now... you don't have to be standing in the cold to be part of the movement. You can do things online while you're watching kids and between tasks as you work from home, spread the information on FB while on your break, protest in your off time. This isn't about unemployment only. There are plenty of people with jobs here.
The 1% is literally BANKING on your unwillingness to do anything at all. You're right: not everyone can literally occupy Wall Street. Signing a petition, or threatening to withhold your vote from your congressman, or marching in your spare time will make all the difference. You just do what you can, even if it's just one small thing, to help.
oh the call for a day off work