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Forum Post: Snow in NYC tomorrow.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:25 p.m. EST by wwwmaster (40)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Removing the generators today was a thought out move by bloomberg to freeze OWS occupiers in zucotti park.

How will you help out in this crisis?

Is everyone prepared?



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[-] 3 points by demonstrator (167) 13 years ago

We learned- during the arab spring- that when ever the system- directly caused our suffering- we just became stronger. and we grew in numbers.

[-] 2 points by daverao (124) 13 years ago

At arab spring comfort was not an issue. It was freedom and people were ready give their lives. Here at OWS we are worried about food, it should be organic. They have tents, sleeping bags, now they want generator. Police fired tear gas in Oakland every body is cry baby. We are getting laundry done. These were luxuries at Arab Spring. My friends from middle east make fun. Is it block party going on?

[-] 2 points by demonstrator (167) 13 years ago

your friends from the middle east- did a great job- you should feel honored to communicate with them. Its us who need to learn from them- there freedom can become our freedom- thanks friend

[-] 1 points by daverao (124) 13 years ago

I was participating in ODC and it rained one day and there very few people left. They taunted me saying that how brave these young Americans are.
They agree that our problem is we do not have leader but no mission. They had leaders and also they wanted regime change. We can change regime in Nov 2012 through voting, we do not have to sit in snow.

[-] 1 points by demonstrator (167) 13 years ago

it will be people like you that will make this movement a success- thanks

and the future oif this country thanks you.

[-] 1 points by daverao (124) 13 years ago

We are pansies.

[-] 1 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

You were there?

[-] 2 points by demonstrator (167) 13 years ago

involved- what a beautiful people (arabs)- freely giving there lives for freedom.

the OWS is an expansion of the arab spring--

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Has it occurred to you that the city is fulfilling its obligation to protect public safety?

If you think that's a ridiculous idea then please read about the story of Umoja Village in Miami:


[-] 3 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

If public safety had anything to do with it, they would of removed them on day 1 not a month later.

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Umoja Village lasted for six months before the fire forced the City of Miami to act.

[-] 2 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

Well zucotti park is not some remote village it's a fucking park in between a shitload of buildings any theoretical fire would be put out in minutes

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Umoja was in Miami, not in a "remote" area. Location: http://tinyurl.com/64ybbxu

And NYC is not obligated to ensure that a theoretical fire in Zuccotti Park would be put out quickly. They're obligated to make sure that the fire never starts in the first place. Protesters could sue the city if they were harmed by the end result of clear safety violations.

You should ask yourself: why are there no tent encampments of homeless people with gas generators anywhere else in NYC? Why should Zuccotti Park be any different?

[-] 2 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

All bums need is a trash can, newspaper and some matches thats why they don't need generators and tents.

ows is not a gang of uneducated homeless people hooked on crack.

[-] 1 points by Oberon (35) 13 years ago

it takes one to know one eh?

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

So the people camping out in a public space in Zuccotti Park are somehow better than homeless people camping out in public spaces, because they're educated? Isn't that the kind of elitism that the whole thing is supposed to be protesting against? Are NYC's homeless not part of the 99%? Is there a third class, lower than the 99%, where the homeless belong? Is a person with no income source who survives off of handouts in Zuccotti Park somehow a more valuable or more important person than a person with no income source who survives off of handouts in Central Park?

[-] 1 points by angelofmercy (225) 13 years ago

No the homeless are not part of the so called 99% Did you not catch this story ? http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/zuccotti_hell_kitchen_i5biNyYYhpa8MSYIL9xSDL

[-] 1 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

the hangouts are going to different things, bum handouts go to booze and crack, ows handouts go to food and shelter

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

And so that somehow justifies creating a law-free zone inside of Zuccotti Park, where police and firefighters have no obligation to protect the public safety? Laws shouldn't apply in places where people are focused on food and shelter? Come on, now, think about this. The encampment is in the middle of New York City. New York City's rules and laws apply. You can't just wish that away.

[-] 2 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

public safety being enforced right before a snow storm? Removing the only means to stay warm. they SURE are helping the public..

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the risk of fires dramatically increases when it gets colder.

[-] 1 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

so does the risk of frostbite

[-] 1 points by angelofmercy (225) 13 years ago

You forgot state and federal law. :) Just saying.