Forum Post: SMILE!
Posted 13 years ago on March 13, 2012, 2:23 p.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on March 13, 2012, 2:23 p.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I remember when political cartoons were satire instead of reporting.
God, that is so true!!! How can you even satire this stuff anymore? We've become a nation of lunatics!
ben put up this fun stuff, had to say something,
but really straght qoutes from these guys are either funny as hell or as scary depending on how you look at it
Yeah they are scary and funny. Not necessarily when they are trying to be one or the other either. They're hold on reality is somewhat special as well.
It’s interesting watching people learn about Romney, truth is he is not that different than most people with 100’s of millions.
No the scary thing is how many people just getting by listen to this guy.
All the more reason for outreach and education.
The public must become aware of their surroundings.
It is crazy that people don't connect when Mark gets 28 billion for a good idea that money does come from somewhere, it is not magic, and little by little we give up our future and our children’s for back slaps about how great we are.
If there were no one working on the front line there would be no business.
Profits going up?
So should front line workers pay.
It is equality in the system that keeps the system healthy.
Hence starving workers and a starving economy.
This is not just here in the USA but everywhere. How do the greedy expect to maintain any sort of profit if they are starving their own markets by pocketing every stray coin in sight? Give credit where credit is due.
In medicine they call it homeostasis, environmentalists call it sustainability, economists call it stability, balance we hear it all the time, yet some would call us radicals for even suggesting it be applied to wages.
How blind the greedy are to reality to the reality of a healthy system which would still allow them to be Filthy........... Rich I mean ..filthy rich...yep.
Thank you.
Humor can encourage understanding.