Forum Post: Smear Campaign Against Bradley Manning Continues
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 22, 2013, 8:29 p.m. EST by TropicalDepression
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After getting 35 years you think that was his freakin statement?
And these idiot journalists just gobble it all up.
Now we are getting official statements from the Army on it. All a smear tactic through the media. They do it all the time. In every level of media.
There's your system for you. Bush, Cheney and Rummy gets a pass, Manning gets 35 years.
To what statement are you referring?
The one where he wants to live as a woman?
Or the one where he states his motives?
Let me guess who got the statement. Either the AP or Rueters. What a shock. The two biggest lying pieces of shit on the planet.
The whole I want to be a woman thing. Who in the hell, gay or not, would make that their statement after going through everything he just went through.
If he said it, he was simply being tortured. AGAIN.
The establishment gets to smear him, and then in a subvertive way, drag the entire gay community into it as well.
Now I get to watch journalists on the supposedly liberal channels talk about how "disturbed" and "troubled" he is.
Fuck the media.
I agree that the truly troubled amongst us will grab that statement and run with it.
The really disturbing aspect of this case is, that very few people even want to discuss the war crimes that they are inadvertently, or vicariously involved in.
Character assassination 101.
And yes, no one wants to connect those dots. I know I freakin dont.
Vicarious liability. Looking the other way.
It does not absolve one of the crime being committed.
Or, the multitude of crimes being committed, rather.
Whether those crimes protect our "freedoms", or "our oil", or "our rights", they are still crimes.
It helps ease the conscience somewhat, if the media continues to demonise the perceived "enemy", and show them to be violent thugs, with murderous intent, (regardless of the possibility that what is shown is staged).
Historically, there's gooks, spics, spooks, towel-heads, ruskies, commies, and redskins, not in any chronological order.
Interestingly, the gooks now supply most of our consumable goods, the spics are the basis of the lower-classs workforce, one of the spooks is president, the towel-heads own more US real estate than any American, the ruskies are the only nation still buying US GMO produce, and the redskins own more casinos than any other group.
Probably another reason a lot of things the public should see is not being covered - like the protests here in the good ol US of A. Many politicians already have a tough time being seen as other than "violent thugs, with murderous intent" not to mention WallStreet and other major corp(se)oRATions.
Hilarious. And meanwhile, whites are fast becoming a minority.
That's not at all part of the economic plan, Gno.
It's what is commonly referred to as an unplanned side effect of progress.
Quite true, B. Quite true.