Forum Post: Smarten up
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 7:24 a.m. EST by BobS
from Douglas, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Look at ALL these forum posts will you!!! OWS movement will fail because of all the different viewpoints that are ranted and raved in these forums. There is NO CONCRETE, DECISIVE, message coming out of this movement.
What have you really done when you think about it? NOTHING!
Ask yourselves, has anything positive come out of all this so far? NO
I gave you the recipe that would make a significant impact and let your voices be hear in my original post almost 1 month ago.
You can look it up and see the responses I received.
The body of my original post was as follows:
"People, seriously, to make our voices heard we need to take matters in out own hands. If we are going to wait for Washington to do something, nothing will ever get done!
I have ONE galvanized message to send to Corporate America. "If you do nothing to help your fellow citizens, we will boycott you"
Once the people of the U.S. and the world start boycotting the banks who are not lending, the companies who are showing enormous profits and not re-investing those profits in creating jobs, we will boycott your company and hit you where it hurts, your pocketbook!
We have more power than we realize! The 99%ers can literally cripple the 1%ers by just doing what I mentioned above!"
When you stand by ONE MESSAGE AND ONE ACTION and you act on it, you will see the results.
If you don't like my idea, that's fine, but determine what exactly your agenda is and act on it. Right now you have too many people with too many agendas and when it's all said and done, nothing will get done.