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Forum Post: Six things to do NOW

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 7:06 p.m. EST by ProvidenceRhodeIsland (40)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Implement the Volcker Rule now.
  2. All derivatives on an exchange Now.
  3. Consumer Protection Agency with a real leader at the Helm (Elizabether Warren) now.
  4. Eliminate Proprietary trading at large banks now.
  5. Curb HFT (High Frequency Trading, NOW)
  6. Implement Property Appreciate Right (PAR) per John Hussman, now



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[-] 1 points by ProvidenceRhodeIsland (40) 13 years ago
  1. Implement the Volcker Rule now.
  2. All derivatives on an exchange Now.
  3. Consumer Protection Agency with a real leader at the Helm (Elizabether Warren) now.
  4. Eliminate Proprietary trading at large banks now.
  5. Curb HFT (High Frequency Trading, NOW)
  6. Implement Property Appreciate Right (PAR) per John Hussman, now