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Forum Post: similarities to tea party?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 12:50 p.m. EST by HD4life (6)
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Has ANYONE here made the connections to the tea party??? MOST of what is being protested is the same as the tea party issues. The single biggest difference, is that OWL blames the rich. The tea party, blames the gov't and those in power, and cronyism. Big tea party issues:

-End the Fed -No more bail-outs -More jobs -Banks need to start lending the money they were given (rather than spending it on bonuses for failed CEO's!!!) -End the corruption in big finance (tea party blames gov't, OWL blames the rich) -End cronyism

There are many more similarities, but I've gotta run. Just something to think about.



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[-] 1 points by learning2 (23) 13 years ago

I was on their mailing list for years. I stopped staying informed of The Tea Party about 3 years ago. There are other groups if you're interested. Good to explore all of them, no matter what.

[-] 1 points by BigDikdJew (61) from Stratford, CA 13 years ago

TEA party = Taxed Enough Already

Occupy WallSt = Why do i have to pay for my own education, healthcare, childcare, retirement?

[-] 0 points by TMatthewPhillips (9) 13 years ago

o similarities at all. Tea party members are required to hate Arabs, Gays, Mexicans, and Liberals. And, btw, OWL does not hate the "rich." OWL hates oppressive, predatory capitalists who place profit above any other concern (i.e., the environment, democracy, privacy, God, etc.)

[-] 1 points by HD4life (6) 13 years ago

OMG! What a moronic reply! inform yourself! You could NOT be more incorrect.

[-] 1 points by TMatthewPhillips (9) 13 years ago

Yeah? Why don't you inform me? Your against immigration, right? Your against gays, right? You're willing to fund endless wars overseas, but to hell with your neighbor if he needs a doctor.... You're from a Red state. You blindly support the Constitution because that's fashionable, (but you've never read it) and you believe in God and Monday Night Football. And you think America is No. One...... Yeah, I think I have a pretty accurate picture.....

[-] 1 points by beardy (282) 13 years ago

Nice straw man, bro. +1 internets to you.