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Forum Post: Silence of the Lambs Movie The Perfect Allegory for American Malaise

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 7 p.m. EST by PeoplehaveDNA (305)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So I watched Silence of the Lambs last night and I couldn't help think that this fantastic movie has great lessons to teach the Americans people. If you remember the movie the whole movie stems around the notion of predators and their easy prey. Obviously the predators are Hannibal and Buffalo Bill and the prey is the victim Catharine, Clarice Starling, and the methodologically dumbed down society: America. There are two scenes that I want to focus on that I think supports my point that American malaise means knowing that something is wrong but not doing something. I think that this is the major problem with America they have no street smarts and they override their instincts and survival skills to fit in to false protection of the status quo which does not exist by the way. When you have a society of predators and preys no one is safe unless they will them selves to be safe. The first scene is when Buffalo Bill is loading the truck with the couch, he has a cast on his arm and he looks like a victim. He asks Catherine to load the couch with him because he can not get it in the truck on his own. (By the way this was Ted Bundy's method in real life). Cathrine hesitates to help him but she lets her guard down being that she is a nice girl get the best of her and she helps him regardless. When all she needs to do is act like a bitch contrary to who she is and walk away fast. She gets taken. We later find out through her Senator mother's televised speech that Catherine is indeed a kind girl. Next scene, Clarice Starling is blackmailed by Hannibal to tell him about her childhood. Clarice tells the story of the lambs when she is a child how she was trying to run away and she encounters the lamb pen, The lambs were set to be slaughtered the next day and she was compelled to release them but when she opened the pen they would not move because they were soo use to being in a pen. Well she did not succeed in running away and her keep her uncle who was by her words "good man" gave her up to the foster system. So this is Clarice Starlings most traumatizing child hood experience. Why? How does this relate to Americans, Americans are essentially in a Malaise State they know something is wrong my God even the corporate media and alternative media lets you know something is wrong maybe beyond your expertise and comprehension but you continue to do the same bizarre crap. Lets see like going out on Black Friday put thousands of dollars on you credit cards, feeding the corporate machine even when you have "evidence" of corruption. You troll and argue and insult others over politics when you don't even know the first thing about real politics and how it works. You people deserve your pens and you deserve to be lead to the slaughter. Enjoy!!



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[-] 3 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

Well, your posts is a bit different then many others here. I do like your Silence of the Lambs allegory pointing out how our society has gotten hopelessly numbed out to the realities around them. Laziness, complacency and willful ignorance all play a role in this state of perpetual numbness that Americans feel. Also, may I add that our society has been dumb-downed for the last 30 or so years. The U.S. education system does play a role in this. If you look at the curriculum high schoolers in the 70's took opposed to the water-downed b.s. that they now take, it is pretty obvious that our educational system has been declining for many years. Also, entertainment has been used for years as a distraction and has worked very successfully. Look at how everyone must watch stupid shows on TV and will vote on people they want to win a competition show, but don't go to the voting polls to vote for their politicians, or don't go out of their way to know more about the candidates so they can make an "educated vote"--one based on their research. NO, our society is MAJORLY DUMBED DOWN AND IT IS DONE ON PURPOSE. This society reminds me of the one portrayed in Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451. That society was so detached from reality it was incredibly sad. Instead TV shows and mindlessly shallow interactions with each other replaced reality. In the end, they died in a state of ignorance as they all were nuked. Only the protagonist Guy Montag who had an awakening about the kind of society he lived in and others who valued intellectual freedom and original thought-- went into hiding and survived the nuclear fall out. I fear what is going to happen to our society. If they don't wake up soon and "run out of their pen" they will be like the lambs that Clarissa was trying so hard to save--they will end up at the slaughter house.

I know that this sounds a bit much, but this country is going in a very bad direction and if Americans don't wake up--then we will be in a full-fledge nightmare. SO WAKE UP EVERYONE. Now is the time, before it is too late.

Please excuse my typos I very tired, but when I saw your post I had to respond.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

The ameriKKKan people deserve their government and they deserve the the coming slaughter of civil war, mass genocide, and cannabilism.

[-] 2 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

What else is new these people think "happy days is coming again" as FDR said. Well I am here to tell you there is no such thing!!! The boom of the 50" will never happen again in history. There you go!!! They have no idea what the fuck is going on and there is NO excuse for this you have information at your finger tips. Put down you latte, your blackberry, and your Fendi bag the can is being kicked down the road right now pay fucking attention.

[-] 1 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

What we are witnessing is the fall of the American empire. You see it, I see it, and so does some others, but the rest are naively thinking that things will get better when the sad fact is it won't.

America will be just a shadow of what it once was. This is all part of a NWO shake up. The fall of some nations, and the rise of others (new super powers--China and India).

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Thanks, good to hear one MOFU here has something between his ears other than a fucking iPod. ( thats tracking you to boot :) )

If anybody wants to know about this shit for real, read "Tomorrows Gold" by Marc Faber, he's got a PHD in history and economics, and he's a rich MOFU living in Thailand with a beautiful young wife. But what he does in his book and is lay out the rise and fall of all government for 2,000 years. The book is now republished but first edition was 1999, but His prediction for USA was 100% total fucking collapse, and yes through human history it NEVER COMES FUCKING BACK. So rather than just fucking whack the willy in a porta-potty on broadway, why not read a book and prepare your fucking life. Lastly and this is only for the 1% that has a fucking brain, in human history with these government/economic collapse the survivors are ALWAYS the ones who bailed and went to a new country, those that stayed always perish. If you really care about YOUR future get the fuck out of the USA and go to a free country. The USA is beyond fucking hope, nothing and nobody can fix this fucking shit-hole, humpty dumpty has fill off the wall and cracked into a million little nazi prison colonys, and theres no putting him back together, the future of the USA is every copy that has a gun robbing every citizen that isn't armed.

[-] -1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"irsfaggot" writes:

"The ameriKKKan people deserve their government and they deserve the the coming slaughter of civil war, mass genocide, and cannabilism."

MONSTROUS comment on your part, "irsfaggot". GET HELP, you need it!

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

WHY? Pray Tell? That the ameriKKKan people deserve their government? After all who the fuck elected the OREO-OBAMA or the BUSH? or the RAYGUN. Are you forgetting that the MAJORITY of HIPPIES in the 1920's elected HITLER and in the swastika comes from CHINA where it is a 'peace sign'??? I agree with the OP here, silence of lambs is fitting ... its is the US people, but I disagree on one point that the majority of the US public are monsters, and the minority are the lambs. The US public and that includes the 99% have slaughtered the world for OIL for 50 years, and I can guarantee you that the majority of the people on OWS consume that OIL.

[-] -1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"irsfaggot" wrote:

"The ameriKKKan people deserve their government and they deserve the the coming slaughter of civil war, mass genocide, and cannabilism."

NO COUNTRY IN THE WORLD deserves the "slaughter of civil war, mass genocide, and cannabilism."

Either you are TROLLING, "irsfaggot", or you have serious mental health issues. Get help and get better soon.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

No, my man Malcolm-X said it best in 1963 "Just a case of chickens coming home to roost"

The USA has brought HELL to over 50% of the planet, and now the cops and soldiers are coming home to destroy you, your hell is now coming home to roost.

The majority of the worlds population is going to enjoy the show, the sick MOFU's are the USA population that for 50 years that robbed the earth.

[-] 2 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

All good posts yes the typical American is part of the problem most definitely. And it is this malaise that Americans have known that something is wrong known that they are part of the problem but not doing something about it. Putting themselves in positions where they are going to be victims because they are willfully ignorant. "No no that can't happen in America we stand for liberty", every empire dies at some point some die out slowly, and some crash and burn hard. It is not hard to know that America is the crash and burn type. I just don't want a repeat of WWII to boot is that too much to ask. Those who forget history are destined to repeat it.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

"American Democracy is Hypocrisy" All fascism is pretty much ran this way, fed shit, ... like the Nazi's where even when their little asses were dragged to the camp's they still denied it at taken place at the mother land. The USA has gone so far, ... another GREAT MALCOLM-X quote "American Democracy is Hypocrisy" my god that man was great, no wonder the CIA has his black ass murdered.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Well to be honest I think this time they'll use the nukes, but hopefully this time the battle will be fought on US soil for a change, god hope.

For too long the USA "TRIBE BUSH/HEARST/MURDOCH", has managed to engineer wars abroad, just maybe like the civil war the USA will all wear itself down and this time NOBODY will loan them money, so when its all over they'll have sell all their assets and turn all their children into whores, and then for the next 100 years Asian tourists will go to ameriKKKa to fuck white kids for $1/fuck, that's my dream of the new america,.

[-] 2 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

Why do you think that all the globalist or zionists are going to China right now. They don't give a fuck about America for years they infatrated our politics, our media, our society they whored us out and the American. People don't know the full extent that this is taking place, but I am pretty sure most of them know something is wrong hence the malaise comment. I am not going to say that all American agree to this crap because they don't but most of them are not trying to change it. And I sorry to say that it is game over right why do you think that the truth is coming out right now: the internet LOL? No the system is in place they don't care if you know you can't do anything about it unless every single American stands up right now. But no Americans want to be divided and dumb it is how we roll. As I said enjoy your pen you will be dead soon. Enjoy!

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Sorry to be hard on you, but that comment that zionists are going to china was just too fucking stupid. The zionists are finished, they're little game they played with the USdollar has destroyed their money-tree and now Israel is fucked.

IMHO the zionists ( A I P A C ) destroyed ameriKKKa, and handed the keys to world power to CHINA, from stupidity NOT design, the chinese never wanted to rule the world, they only wanted to get rich, STUDY YOUR FUCKING history they built a wall to keep others OUT, ONLY THE USA & EUROPE wanted to control and destroy the world, IMPERIALISM is a white-mans disease

What I have said is the ameriKKKan people are MORONS and they allowed A I P A C to co-opt the congress back in the 1930's. IT's too fucking late, sure guys like BUSH/CHENEY got rich on the oil wars, ... but all that money is going to be worthless.

But CHINA that's the future, if I were young that's where I would be living :)

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

Calm the fuck down irsfaggot! I said the zionist are going to China not you. I said that the globalists are going to China because it is their little escape plan after they destroy America how else are they going to continue. And the whole world is left to hold on to the monopoly money the American dollar people will be hunting these fuckers down to kill them. But China is going to let these fucker in no problem and already hashttp://theintelhub.com/2011/05/28/the-fake-icc-and-the-globalist-strategy-of-tension/. Bull shit China is not going to play a part in the globalist wet dream if not why the fuck are they at the G20 why are they even participating in globalist organizations. Enjoy your zionist dim sum mother-fucker!

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

USA sold out to zionists because in USA everything is for sale,

IN china NOBODY can own the land not even the people, so all is controlled by the government people lease the land and build, and now the buildings are more expensive than the USA, making everyone rich,

In the USA they sell anything to anybody including their government the US politicians sold the US out years ago to foreign powers, ... but CHINA will NEVER do this, nor will any asian country, ... in all asian countrys its illegal for foreigners to OWN land.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

You have to understand that these day CHINESE is MORE free a country than the USA, so when you say 'zionists are going to china', you were talking about the g20 meeting that's like saying the zionists are going to walmart, .. you know we have as many walmarts in china as usa?? China is a free country, anybody can come here and visit and go to meetings, the G20 was hosted in china, cuz all players know that in 5 years that CHINA will be the #1 economy in the world. TODAY we all wait for one thing that the YUAN be the new reserve currency if that happened today the USA would collapse, its CHINA that keeps the USA in business by keeping the world off the yuan, everybody knows the yuan is a better currency cuz they don't dilute their money.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Don't fear, ... what I'm telling you is that is IMPOSSIBLE the zionists have no power in china, nor are they wanted.

They were able to grab power in the 1920's with the ADL/JDL, and later buy most newspapers, and later most TV, and today control most media. So they fill congress with A I P A C, and they control, but this SHIT could NEVER happen in CHINA.

CHINA is not stupid, they would NOT let a foreign power take over the USA is STUPID, big difference.

If you want I can explain, but it appears that your really not open to how things work in China.

China Knows that it is their turn to run the world, this is why G20 was in DALIAN a few months ago, I live in China I know what the fuck is going on here. OK

CHINA has major investment in Africa and all over the world.

It's the USA that wants to contain CHINA, and of course the zionists would like to see a war, ... but honestly the USA is already TOO BROKE.

CHINA will NEVER allow zionism to control its GOVERNMENT FACT. ZIONISM controls the US because the US people are idiots.

Zionism has already destroyed the USA/EUROPE, everybody knows the US-DOLLAR is going down, now its just an orderly flight to safety that will take 10 years. Israel is finished. There is nobody left to rob. China WILL never allow itself to be robbed by zionists, on the behalf of Israel.

The US public bought the argument that Israel was good for baby-jeebuz but chinese don't eat that shit. Understand.

The USA is a nation of morons, this is why they allowed themselves to be robbed and their economy destroyed.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

FUCK YOU I hever said that ZIONISTS are going to CHINA, how stupid are you fucking people>

I said that Zionists have destroyed the USA&EUROPE, and that has made china #1 in the world now,

The zionists are finished ISRAEL is now in the shit, its game over for their game, everything you see now is DEATH for USA, EUROPE, and ISRAEL.

What i have said is that in the zionist quest to create Israel, that zionism has destroyed the united states.

There is NO way in hell the chinese would have the zionists in their country, its impossible to have A I P A C take over the chinese government these are NOT stupid people.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

The US population deserves their politicians, and they deserve their civil war, and they deserve their rotten TV shows.

[-] -1 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago

agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clariceagent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clariceagent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clariceagent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice agent Starling I presume Hello Clarice

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

Uhh.....thank you for that informative post....in case you missed it yes "hello Clarice Starling" that is who we are talking about.