Forum Post: Sign Warren Buffets petition against Congress 99%!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:26 p.m. EST by Daxattack
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A electronic petition has been created on We the People, a new feature on, based on Warren Buffets solution on how to ratify Congress. If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 22, 2011, the White House will review it and respond! If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response. You can view and sign the petition here:
i wish it was more tightly written. Sorry. I'd like to support a better crafted amendment.
A return to the Clinton-era tax rates is a petition I'll sign immediately.
Interesting thought process here,, when Buffet was just the keynote speaker for Obama's NYC fundraising dinner at 10K a plate. Isn't that one of the big issues of the OWS movement? Just saying..
Yeah guys if you support any politicians then you're not really WITH us ok?
Hey FObama - what are you talking about? go to the white house site and open it up for yourself.
Joke alert. Obama is in his last year?
Except it's from the 1%. The response will be "We carefully reviewed your petition. However at this time we do not feel there would be support in Congress to get this passed as legislation."
ya, warren Buffet who still lives in the same 2500 sqft home he has been in for the last 40 years and donantes 100K's to charity...Hes the 1% of the 1% I love.
LOL ok. But he does own stake in Wells Fargo, and recently bought some of Bank of America. Which charties? Foundations set up by him? Run by his friends? I don't know if you think he is immune to the "dirty tricks" used by that 1%, but he is no doubt part of the "man behind the scenes".