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Forum Post: Should Online Supporters Count?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 2:29 p.m. EST by Leap29 (1) from Bartlett, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The general assemblies all over only count the opinions of those who physically show up, but through LiveStream, there has been an increasing amount of people who come to watch and talk to support the Occupy Together movement.

My question is this: Should virtual supporters count in the General Assembly voting?

The way I personally view it is if people come to support the movement virtually, then they are a part of the movement, virtually. Therefore, they should be counted in the general assemblies, virtually. Of course, there should be a process the people follow in order to be registered and counted in votes, but these are just my thoughts.

Now let's hear yours! What do you all think about this? (Please be respectful!) Thanks!



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