Forum Post: Should Local Sheriffs be Actioned to Stop Foreclosure Evictions?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 12:18 p.m. EST by lisa
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OccupyMn had an action yesterday, they had tents with "stop foreclosure" now painted on them and they obstructed the roadway resulting in the arrests of 7 occupiers. They said their local Sheriff's dept. under the tutledge of Sheriff Stanek has the ability to issue a moratorium on the foreclosure evictions, but they choose not to do so. OccupyMn is trying to stop the evictions.
Should individual Sheriff depts. be approached in an ongoing action nationwide to stop the evictions of foreclosed homeowners, would that be possible?
No because they are controlled by "Higher Authority" we are just the citizens... The big wigs are scared and dont want to bring themselves down by admitting it!!!!
It is difficult to appeal to some of the local law and government because, especailly in this country, there are so many degenrerates that abuse the system, that the Law and a lot of Conservitaves are focused on the negative aspects of the people ebing evicted, it blinds them. They do not realize that this is a scam. I wonder how much more turbulance is necessary to awaken these people from their deep slumber... They need our help in understanding, but remember, you can only giude. We must be peaceful and patient.
Paying your mortgage isnt enough. One must go through all the documents carefully before signing them.
Stop Foreclosure
They don't want to sit there all day while you read them. Even when you buy a car, you sign your name so many times to stuff you never read, as long as you don't have to put money down and you walk out with a new car, the result becomes the goal and how you got there seems less important; and that is what is wrong with America and us. As long as we get what we want, we don't even know what we are signing.
Yes! Let mortgage companies and banks pay for their own Pinkertons! Our publicly funded police have NO business dishing out more labor welfare to the elite.
Only 1 officer should be present for foreclosures to uphold the law. The rest of the workers should be paid for by the corporations.
Furthermore, a copy of all loan documents should be certified and available for perusal. No papers, no foreclosure. Period.
That's the big dirty secret, the banks sell off the loans to investors in other countries which is why they cannot produce the original documents if someone goes to court to challenge their foreclosure. They sell off the loans to foreign investors, and still want to collect the moneies from the mortgagee. There is huge mortgage fraud in this country by the banksters. (which are banking gangsters thus the term banksters).
No. What you should do is arrest the Judges, take over the Court. See:
Find a case that involves robosigning or some other fraud.
Bold moves going on there in the UK. Actually asking the courts to produce the original documents for bankruptcy and foreclosures. Even here in this country, how many times are the debts sold off even after 7 years which is the time when the debt has to legally be written off by the person holding it? They just sell it off to another company so the person never gets out from under it unless they are forced into bankruptcy.
Are people not responsible for their debts?
Yes they are, I think the entire system of debt needs to be changed. Charging interest on loans is part of the problem, we need to change to a debtless financial system. The entire system. The Muslim finance model does not use 'usury' or interest based products, yet people still get mortgages, cars etc. over there in the other side of the world. This is not to say we must become Muslims, it is only pointing out a different financial system that doesn't have the catastrophic consequences for people that our system does.
Hey when the economy is great things are fine, but look at what the situation is here, all over the country, it's a big problem.
But those banks that don't charge "usury" still make a profit from the loan. As I understand it, they do this by getting around the rules and adding charges up front or by buying thr property first and selling it to you at a profit. If you look at the numbers, their banks make money at about the same rate as western banks on the same deals.
wiki: An innovative approach applied by some banks for home loans, called Musharaka al-Mutanaqisa, allows for a floating rate in the form of rental. The bank and borrower form a partnership entity, both providing capital at an agreed percentage to purchase the property. The partnership entity then rents out the property to the borrower and charges rent. The bank and the borrower will then share the proceeds from this rent based on the current equity share of the partnership. At the same time, the borrower in the partnership entity also buys the bank's share of the property at agreed installments until the full equity is transferred to the borrower and the partnership is ended. If default occurs, both the bank and the borrower receive a proportion of the proceeds from the sale of the property based on each party's current equity. This method allows for floating rates according to the current market rate such as the BLR (base lending rate), especially in a dual-banking system like in Malaysia.
Is the value of the property properly assessed so that they do not have the problems faced in America where the mortgages were made based on inflated propety values much higher than the property was actually worth, or adjustable rate loans which had low rates at the beginning and then within 5 years ballooned to rates the borrowers could not pay?
Are there any caps on the base lending rate, how does inflation impact that?
Lisa - debtless financial systems lead to MORE WAR NOT LESS WAR.
If I cannot leverage credit to get something from you and I don't have assets to trade with you, I have to take it by force. When scaled up to a national level, this leads to having to go to war to get ANY resources we cannot easily trade for.
Your plan of eliminating debt doesn't work on anything other than a small, self-contained society that has endless access to all of the resources they'll ever need locally.
Is there anything we need from other countries that we cannot make here? Our manufacturing jobs went to China, we export raw materials to them, they manufacture the products, then we buy the products back from them. What if we manufactured goods here, Made In America labels were found on goods once again, couldn't we sustain our own country? The whole idea of Nafta and free trade was just to make the top 1% profit. They did not care about making goods cheaper for Americans to buy. General Electric just built a plant in Mexico so they can avoid paying taxes here on the products they build, they just build em there and import them and sell them here. Those are jobs that could go Americans, those are corporate taxes not getting paid. This is how businesses operate now. When America starts believing in itself again, and grows it's own food, makes it's own products, including cars here once again, we could have prosperity, there would not have to be war to take what we need.
What happens when the dollar goes down as the world's reserve currency, and we cannot borrow more money from China and Japan? We can't buy the stuff we import, we will have to become more self sufficient or we will become the third world country. We are in financial system crisis, we cannot continue to operate on a debt based system.
Again, you're missing the point because you're quoting problems from a global economy while trying to say the solution is keeping all manufacturing and consumption domestic.
Companies like GE will build plants where the labor is the most affordable, period. There are very few large corporations in or out of the US that solely operate in the US. As such, they are in competition with other corporations that are based in nations that may not be subject to the same stringent labor laws & regulations here. I'm not saying that it's right, but just operating on a debtless system is not the answer for a global economy.
Are you suggesting that we also de-globalize the economy? Because that's the only way your plan would have any hope of working. If literally everything we needed was available, produced & consumed domestically. And even then I contend there would be massive violence and crime within that nation itself if there was no system of credit.
Your point about de globalization is well taken. At this point, even in the energy sector we are not self sufficient or sustainable. Your other point about massive violence and crime escalation if there were no system of credit is also very valid. There is much that must be changed in America.
At this point, we must make sure that people have the basic necessities, shelter, food, clothing, medical care. The foreclosure crisis has to be at the forefront of all the movements due to the lack of affordable housing and shelter. Without shelter from the elements, people cannot survive. The individual Occupy movements need to be unified under a banner of change in these areas.
People lose their jobs their shelter is taken from them, they lose their jobs they cannot buy food, they get sick have no health insurance they can't see the Dr. because they can't ante up a co-pay and an insurance card. The basic surival needs of the people in America are not being met.
I know a real easy way to completely stop foreclosures. You ready? It's progressive and innovative but it just might work. Here it is - PAY YOUR FUCKIN MORTGAGE.
What should be done for the people who suffer a reduction in force layoff from their jobs and no longer have the income that they qualified for their mortgage with? The mortgage is based on the assumption that the person will have the same amount of income for the make those monthly payments. When, thru no fault of their own, this changes, what then Chris? Wouldn't it be better to have a clause whereby they could make interest only payments and not go into default until they could get a restructuring, or should we just throw them all out into the street and foreclose on them?