Forum Post: Should congress approve President Obama's jobs bill
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:27 a.m. EST by mariodk
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Approve most of it? In parts? All of it? In steps?
Recently i decided I'm not much of a bangs guy so i proposed a bill to get rid of all the hair on the top of my head. Problem is my hair congress doesn't like me (constantly causing me bad hair days) so I don't think it will pass. Either way I win.
Obama took a hard left on his jobs bill. If it passes he gets to say he did something. If it doesn't he gets to point the finger at everyone else.
Don't pass any of it - the discussion never happens and this is just another example. MikeyD hit it - it is a gimmick that is trivial in it's effect on fairness and only serves to provide fuel for campaign rhetoric. As always talk and no substance - oh except for the substance of taxes that goes to feed the "Beast in the East" - the Feds
Your post implies it was ever meant to be approved. I believe the Presidents words were, "All or nothing". He's quite the charmer.
If, however, he were to actually lead and build a consensus behind this jobs bill, I imagine it would have all the effect of pissing on a forest fire, while adding another half a trillion dollars to the debt your children will have to pay.
Question: What good does it do to levy a 5% surcharge on the income tax of the rich when the true 1% take most of their income as capital gains, which are only taxed at 15%? What good does it do to increase taxes when Obama's buddies at GE pay nothing due to tax loopholes?
I have a suspicion it has been carefully crafted so it will fail to pass. Then the republicans can be blamed for the high unemployment. Everything would fall in place for 2012. Of course, I may just be paranoid.
I agree with you completely. Questions were posed to gather up opinion and listen to views from different people.
No. It's a bad bill.
If the bill was any good, the Democrats would have jumped on it with co-sponsorships and brought it to the floor as soon as possible. The opposite has happened.
Harry Reid in the Senate even changed the Senate's own rules in an unprecedented manner to prevent this bill from coming before the Senate for a vote.
The Democrats have a lot of Senate seats to defend in 2012 and many Democrats don't want this bill coming up for a vote. They don't want their names attached either for it or against it.
Just another broken bill by another broken politician inside of a broken government. Pas it, don't pass it. I don't think it will matter much either way.
No the presidents plan is a joke. Nobody has the balls to do what really needs to be done.
Tax ALL income, and taxi and fairly..... FLAT TAX! 10% no deductions for anyone or any corp! 10% comes off the top for everyone!
You do this and no more issues other than controlling what the assholes in DC that we elect spend!
Simple. it really is that simple!
Obama doesn't want reform. He wants control! Like everyone on the left.
How come the Demo(n)crats won't take a vote on Obama's "jobs" bill? The Republicans have twice given them the opportunity to pass it. How long have the Dems had full control of the senate and house and still nothing got accomplished?
if you want a job go out and apply for one or create one for yourself.