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Forum Post: Shoes on Strike!

Posted 10 years ago on April 27, 2014, 11:03 a.m. EST by shoozTroll (17632)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

60,000 or so workers in China, who make shoes for not one, but several BIG names in expensive, exclusive "tennis shoes", are on strike over horribly foreshortened pay and benefits.

So much for those "exclusive shoes, eh?

"Tens of thousands of workers at one of the world’s largest shoe manufacturers are continuing a strike in the southern Chinese city of Dongguan in a dispute over benefits.

Employees of Yue Yuen Industrial accuse the company of failing to match monthly contributions for social insurance and housing benefits workers say they were promised. The company, which makes shoes for major sportswear companies including Adidas, Nike, Converse and New Balance, had sales of $7.58 billion in 2013. In 2012, it said it had more than 400,000 employees in China, Vietnam and Indonesia. About 60,000 work in its factories in Dongguan.'


Adidas, not wanting to lose one penny of profit, moves it's manufacturing to some other unnamed where they can continue to enjoy horribly foreshortened , pay and benefits to other, more desperate workers.

Can't let those poor, underpaid investors suffer, over people who actually work for a living. After all, they "invested" in a brand.





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[-] 5 points by Nevada1 (5843) 10 years ago

The struggle against Corporate Imperialism, continues on.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Hmmm, shooz on strike huh ?! If only !! LOL !!! You like the phrase ''your own backyard'' right ? Ergo :

fallaces sunt rerum species ....


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Vermont is your backyard in US terms but if Michigan is your forte' - then good luck as sadly Neoliberal Scumbags are trying to make Detroit into a show case and playground & The 99% must keep resisting.

You get ''downvoted'' 'cause people appear not to like you for some reason. You have a lot of points so better not to worry about that & take it all too personally as you should to be kinda above all that right ?

China ? Oldest continuous civilisation in the world whose word for foreigners is ''gwi-loh'', ie. barbarian & the Han Chinese are the world's most successful racial group based society. China has - BIG problems now and is very rapidly developing its own '1% - 99%' scenario as a direct result of embracing Neoliberal Crapitalism and needs to re-find it's Confucian Ethos and discover True Democracy.

I'm still not sure if you are getting just how big and important that Vt. Bus Strike Story story is tho' or am I being naive and idealistic, again ? Here's a li'l more background before I go get on with my day :

timendi causa est nescire ...



[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Silly Little Man with a silly little response. Bye bozo.

vale ...


[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

shooz said 1 week ago at April 23, 2014, 7:42 p.m. EST (delete)

I never have a problem speaking to ZD.

Perhaps it's all in the presentation?

BTW, if you had read the link, you would see that the UK version of libe(R)tarians align themselves with the right wing and anarchists.

Guess who they're going to infest, if they haven't already?

Rumors of what an awful person I am, are highly inflated.


... when I replied to one of his now frequent and unsolicited 'Private Messages' ... where I later warned him on three different occasions that I'd copy PMs to the open-forum - IF he did not desist. I only gave you that warning once ZD but you had the wit and wisdom to understand what I said and that I meant it.

However, snooz clearly likes to try to annoy, irritate or intimidate despite fair warnings of consequences. Not sure how this can be described as dispassionate ''modding'' and perhaps - 'infiltration and co-option' are actually more apt descriptors ... but you can still continue to rest assured of his ongoing protection.

He continues to spew and ergo - I've now done as promised while also responding to your ''funny feeling'' and bumping his post. Your tune and tone change with the wind but IF you are going try to be graceless and offensive and then say ''get outa my face'' here :

then maybe you should not be surprised that your more innocuous and cryptic comment above ... elicits an unexpected 'in your face' response. I will get back to your comment linked to ^above^ - in due course.

Two cheeks ; One same ass - meet boot !!! Even later deleting your comment ZenDork - hides nothing !!

et temet nosce !


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

TCH, Tch, tch !!! + LOLOL !! Shhhhh now & settle down & please do try to be less abrasive !

vale ...



[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

OH DEAR ; Oh Dear ; oh dear !!! Yet MORE deluded, toilet mouthed b-s now !! Tibetans are mostly Tantric, Vajrayana Buddhists and Zen Buddhism has its roots in China !! I don't like you and so you should stop replying to me and constantly looking for my attention but before I have to go get on with my Sunday - chew on these a li'l, 'Dog' :

bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem ...




