Forum Post: Shame on OWS.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:24 a.m. EST by FailLOLOL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You people make me sick, stop with you BS and get a job.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:24 a.m. EST by FailLOLOL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You people make me sick, stop with you BS and get a job.'re missing the point...
You're father who makes 50k a year prolly works his butt off for it with little to show - ask him
Why are you still in college and working to pay back the loans when the same bank you're paying collected BILLIONS in bail outs?
It is not the banks job to pay the student back!!! besides those banks are what is keeping your money safe and allow people to have a house a car and such
and you are out there with drums and madness. That does nothing to fix these problems. Think.
Go protest Frannie Freddie. Why aren't you there as well?
It does do something - it collects the attention of people like us. We may not agree, but we are watching.
If I could be there, I would. and I would protest the fact that you are paying back student loans while others don't. I would protest your dad working for no hope of retirement. The whole system is messed up - time to fix it however we get it done
The way I see it, the only people not paying anything back are wealthy students who end up taking work study jobs so they can buy crap for themselves, or people on scholarships, as it was in another thread.
EXACTLY - the children of the weathly. whose parent's buy them privelages they dont deserve. Scholarships - some deserved, others not so much - - my own son went to school on a scholarship and worked for every minute of it.
Exposure? nothing on the news here except Ashton getting divorced by Demi - hardly a word otherwise.
Modern Censorship. Click a button, the masses hear nothing.
This movement is all about people like us..we work for it, gain little. want something more
Some are watching. However, I am afraid the reaction is just a tad different than you described. This is not how to fix the problems. OWS's problem is not lack of exposure.
The occupy movement is garbage now, it was cute at first, but now its just annoying. Screw this movement. There is nothing great about a bunch of wealthy kids, dirt poor lazy ass bums and people who want free shit from the government. Capitalism works, if it doesnt for you, you should have been smarter with your money.
Capitalism only "works" for a minority of people who have no scruples and it is not sustainable on this planet.
Oh, So Socialism works? Last I checked, The USSR failed hard and now is a democracy with a capitalist economic system. Also, China, the worlds next biggest communist state, has been incorporating Capitalism since the death of Mao Zedong, who was for Socialism. Capitalism works.
Capitalism works if there are hundreds of millions of slaves to produce the commodities for it. China and Russia are criminal syndicates under the control of the mafia. The USSR was nothing more than czarist Russia masquerading as a communist state.
the cbs website is cluttered with bubbled roll over advertising
and a shaving ad in front of a kid video
We will NEVER cause the change I believe we are trying to affect unless we define our premise in ways that everyone can support you and in a way that revolutionary change can occur. Tackle TRUE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Demand laws that state that a politician CANNOT accept or spend ANY contribution that does not come from a citizen that he or she would represent. No corporate donations. Even push for a Constitutional Amendment. Everyone would join in on this.
well tell the story from the way you feel. example; as an american who does not like to run, i am not wealthy. as a man who loves free stuff, i consume knowledge. as a person who likes other people, I don't presume to know. but if you want to debate me, i'm all ears. though don't get mad at me if i don't believe you.
Well said. I saw this today on OWS exposed as well as many others.
Would be nice to see people protesting the OWS protesters more. In Oklahoma a whole town drove out The Westboro Baptist Church. The anti OWS needs to stand up against this BS , and take their city back.
Shut up FAIL, get your troll ass off the board
Work for pay not whine for pay
Attack thee, and we shall reason and survive; Attack thy children, and we will fight and you shall die.
If occupiers messed with my kid, there would be hippy teeth on the sidewalk.
I have a job a$$bag. I used to have a retirement that I worked my life away for and that our taxes paid the banks to take away from me and my family. You're either protected by the greed or too lazy to have lost anything. either way, you're an idoit that can't even spell "your"
Right, cuzz spelling is what the movement is all about AMIRIGHT?
Wahhhhh! Try again. Protected by the Greedy? I guess my father who makes $50K a year is greedy, and I am working to pay off my college loans while still in college, I must be lazy!
You never have a retirement or a family, stop lying to yourself.'re missing the point...
You're father who makes 50k a year prolly works his butt off for it with little to show - ask him
Why are you still in college and working to pay back the loans when the same bank you're paying collected BILLIONS in bail outs?
My father was dirt poor when he came to this country. If he can do it, raise a family, than anyone can do it - but people are lazy maybe?
Becuase the school said If I cant get loans, I aint coming to school, cuase I told my dad I dont want his money. He isnt rich, if anyone didnt already figure that out.
If SallieMae, the main institution that disperses loans other than the department of education failed, College students would have decreased heavily, affecting not only cities that make money off those students, but also schools and future employers.
OWS is failing, they know it, but they want to fight till the last man. Soon, it will only be groups in cities and they will be looked at as hippies who need jobs.
For everyone who is against OWS, this is a great post to comment. Please do so.
If you ever choose to grow up and become a mature adult, there are plenty of other more interesting posts and comments to read.
Good one there Occupy movement, so you are inciting violence and support killing now?
stop believing everything you Read from the media. if you had half a brain you would think what the hell is she even thinking going through wallsteet with here kid. she is the dumb one not the protesters.
I watched the video and saw it, too. I'm not from NY but maybe they can only get to school by walking due to traffic..I don't know.
I saw it. Live. On OWS livestream this morning. I am sure I won't be believed but it is indeed true. If I remember right it was close to a Starbucks or something. It definitely happened before 9 cause I had to take my wife to work. Actually I was out the door at 8:34 exactly so before then. then again my little baby woke up around 745am and I always check OWS stuff first thing. Regardless, I know I saw it and I was shocked that some dude even suggested it.
no my point is why would the mother even bring her kid near the protest. I don't know maybe find a way around it.
I think we all know that some people make regrettable decisions... Even when they have kids. What sucks is that someone even suggested following the kid. They probably were too excited to put themselves in the child's shoes. I have learned empathy over the last nine months so it was distressing to hear and see.
This also seems to be yet another case of "this one person that is behaving poorly represents the entire movement" tactic that the MSM and the anti-OWS folks continue to use to discredit this movement.
I watched that video 5 times to see how many protestors actually followed that kid. There were two. One seemed to have some sort of handicap and the other seemed to be a friend that was trying to contain him. If you actually bother both to watch the video and the scene in question you'll see that the protesters originally looked to be walking past the dad who was giving comment to the reporter. The protestor turned suddenly back towards him and his companion - the guy in the green - seemed to be making an effort to turn the guy in light blue back on their original path.
In the proceeding scene I see only the guy in green following THE DAD down the sidewalk. I don't hear them chanting anything and I certainly don't see a throng of protestors following him. The guy with the camera did a damn good job of following the dad and the daughter down the street however. Maybe his time would have been better spend getting a cop to actually remedy the situation rather than film it for the hype value?
Are what these two doing wrong? Seems so given the context of the video - which seems to me to be taken largely out of context. Does it represent the actions of the entire movement? No it does not. And no amount of trolling, flaming or otherwise will make it so. I used to believe in the Easter Bunny when I was a kid and try to lure him out with jelly beans however, it doesn't mean there is a 7 foot rabbit roaming around shooting eggs out of its ass.
As to kids being scared. I'll join with the side that asks, could the parents either have taken a different route on this one day or maybe kept the kids home? When all is said and done it is a parent's job to keep their child(ren) out of harm's way. Why would you walk your kid through a protest? Don't blame the protestors because YOU made a stupid parenting decision. Likewise don't blame the protestors because your kid was "afraid" when you didn't take the time to explain to them what was going on and why. Do you blame a closet manufacturer when you child is afraid of the Closet Monster? Or do you explain to them that this is what's actually in the closet and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Want to scare your kids? Talk to them about student loan debt, the Fed and Citizens United, and what the three mean to their future. That'll scare the bejeezus out of them guaranteed. Maybe in the process you'll figure out why it's so important to protest and maybe, just maybe, your kids will have a future that involves more than living hand to mouth, constant debt and living in fear of every doctors visit.
I agree that is was partially the fault of the mom and the protestor who said it. Unfortunately, he was a protestor and therefore represents OWS, blah, blah, blah. You know the rest. something about one bad apple spoiling the bunch or some such quote. Nothing you can do about that unfortunately. People are looking for reasons to not support OWS. I think that's also obvious.