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Forum Post: Shades of Cuban Missile Crisis

Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 10, 2013, 3:27 p.m. EST by cruisecontrol (-49)
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Many of us have viewed the Syrian conflict as a proxy war between Russia and the US. Events in the last few days including Putin's latest remarks this afternoon would seem to be taking the "proxy" part out of the equation.

Putin has added a new condition to the Syrian WMD turnover.....American renunciation of an airstrike.

Where will this end? Will Obomber channel his inner JFK? WIll Putin keep his shoes on?

Putin: No Syria deal unless US renounces air strikes on Assad

Russian president Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that a plan to have Syria turn over its chemical weapons "will work out only" if the United States and its allies "pledge to renounce the use of force" against the country.

"Certainly, this is all reasonable, it will function and will work out, only if the US and those who support it on this issue pledge to renounce the use of force, because it is difficult to make any country – Syria or any other country in the world – to unilaterally disarm if there is military action against it under consideration," Putin told Russian television network RT.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/global-affairs/middle-east-north-africa/321373-putin-syria-plan-wont-work-unless-us-renounces-strikes#ixzz2eWJyS4OG Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook



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[-] -1 points by cruisecontrol (-49) 11 years ago

Obama is being played. The Russian deal forced him to change course and re-write tonight’s speech at the last minute. Now he has to re-write it again, or pretend that the Russians didn’t just drop a flaming bag of something on the White House doorstep. It will be grimly amusing to see what Obama tells the American people about all this now. The words “fiasco” and “clusterf*ck” have been said by others today. He won’t use either word, but that doesn’t mean both don’t apply.

Harry Reid pretended that the Russia deal drove him to halt a vote on force in the Senate. The reality is that Democrat votes for force were “dropping like flies,” and the prospect of passage in the House was always grim. Obama lost the Congressional Black Caucus today. Sen. Mitch McConnell came out against bombing today, breaking with the House GOP leaders who had supported it, and probably killing off any chance that the Senate would help Obama out by at least giving him a split vote in Congress. The likelihood now is that he gets rejected by both houses with actual “No” votes or implicitly if neither brings the authorization to a vote, and then has to decide if he wants to strike Syria anyway. Does Barry feel lucky?

So Obama is being played by Putin. The question is, does he know or even care that he’s being played? He seemed happy enough to grab Putin’s hand and get out of his jam. Now what’s he going to do? Putin is saying that there will be no quick fix, and that he intends to keep on using the UN to mess around with Obama, promise him a prize, then take it away, over and over again. Playing the part of Lucy, Vlad Putin. Playing the part of Charlie Brown trying to kick a football, Barack Obama. For a while to come.

Russia is also now taking away Obama’s fig leaf that the threat of force is driving this phony weapons deal, by taking the threat of force entirely off the table. Obama is playing cards with Reggie Love, Putin is playing 3D chess like a boss.

Obama and his lieutenants keep saying that if we don’t strike Syria, rogue states will be emboldened. That’s dubious, since Iraq’s two-time use of chemical weapons didn’t send the North Koreans south, but it’s obvious that one massive state is being emboldened by Obama’s Hamlet act: Russia. Putin is using Syria to make Obama a laughingstock and America, irrelevant, in a stroke.

I hate to keep tying the same thing over and over, but this won’t end well.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago