Forum Post: Sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl at the Occupy Dallas campsite.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 4:09 p.m. EST by angelofmercy
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Teen Runaway Sexual Activity At Occupy Dallas
I love the one comment on that site; "We’re talking about statutory rape here, but the media will do anything to avoid associating the Occupy movement with violent crime."
Since when the hell was statutory rape a violent crime? Statutory rape is nothing more than the government thinking it has a moral right to tell the people what the age of consent is, i.e. 18 which is completely arbitrary. They then try children as young as 12 as adults in court. This girl passed herself off as being older, yet they want to punish young adults for violent crime because they had consensual sex with her? Unbelievable the times we live in.
Teens having sex? Oh the humanity!!
These articles make it sound like OWS is raping children. In one case a 14 yo misrepresented herself and had sex with older men. Whose fault is that?? And the girl in Cleveland why wouldn't she scream or report it there?? I'm sure others would hear. Sounds like sumone trying to put egg on the face of the occupy movement. I dont know the whole story maybe she is telling the truth. I don't know ? But the rape of women isn't a OWS policy. Those criminally responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Sex offender uses Occupy Portland camp as address
So he is using an occupy address to fraud the Authorities in Portland? He didn't rape a protester. What could occupy Portland do different?
That's my point they can't keep the crazies , criminals out of OWS. It's only a matter of time.
What are you saying that now everyone in occupy wall st is a rapist because a sex offender illegally used the address for occupy Portland as his home address. Without any knowledge if he was actually protesting against corporate corruption? Or are you saying the media is using whatever little bit of shit they can to discredit occupy? Or does this make you hate occupy because we are all crazie rapists
lol Re read what I have written. Now think about it longer then 2 secs before replying. I know you have a brain , now use it . OWS discredits itself. It doesn't need help from the media.
That isn't true
There is a memo going around. let me see if I can find it for you.
That policy tells people to report criminal activity to occupy security first and to the police if they want. I'm tired of people being ignorant. That memo doesn't tell occupy to rape woman it doesn't make occupy Baltimore a cult. But believe whatever rush or glen tells you because I'm tired of trying to help America. It's more important that we nit pick at occupy a group that is trying to help end corruption in banks. Occupy didn't rape anyone? Sumasshole in Cleveland has been accused of raping an Occupy protester.
Ignorant? lol I've read it. There is only one reason to even suggest that anyone come to them first. That is to talk them out of reporting a crime , so it don't look bad for the OWS.
"I'm tired of trying to help America" Sounds like your tired of defending OWS. I am not nip picking. This movement isn't going to end corruption in banks , or anywhere else. You have no leader , with out a leader you have no ground to stand on. Because there is no one person that any corporation ,bank , the mayor , or anyone else can negotiate with you to get what ever it is OWS people want. What will happen is when there is no change at the pace OWS wants , people will get even more angry and take matters into their own hands. Because there are crazies , and criminals mixed in with the OWS.
Open a history book. I , nor many others don't need to be told by rush , or glenn to know how this will all ends.
Actually no, there are lots of reasons to report it to security as well as the cops. One is to know who the guy in question is so that if he EVER shows his face in the area again, he can be immediately ejected. Another is so that the security know that when the cops show it it is for a legitimate reason and they know to co-operate and not over react due to jumpiness and accidentally protect someone who does not deserve any protecting.
We had a related issue at Occupy Houston where a person who had stayed at the camp one night had asked the cops to arrest him due to the fact that he was having suicidal urges and in Houston the fastest way the get mental health help is to have the cops bring you in. When the cops showed up for him some people got defensive and wanted to interfere. Luckily it was explained and diffused quickly, but still it's good for Security to know when the cops are coming for a legitimate reason and why so we can be as co-operative as possible.
That is Baltimore no reports of rape there and the policy doesn't keep people from reporting anything to the police it just asks them to report it to occupy security detail. They didn't rape anyone in Baltimore. This is also a Baltimore only request. Which I'm sure with pressure will be changed. But again read deeper the movement didn't rape anyone.
"policy doesn't keep people from reporting anything to the police "
Really , you don't think for one sec. that if someone brought in the cops to an encampment to either accuse another OWS of something this bad , or even less there wouldn't be consequences ?
Look around ! You speak out against this movement even on here and you are labeled a troll. You don't think that would not apply in the real world as well ? In the real world you would be labeled as a snitch. You got people who are criminals , drug addicts, users, and dealers mixed into the movement. You are either with the movement , or against it . Anything that you do that might be against it , makes you a target among them.
Part 2 . Or maybe you just wanna call me a dirty unemployed filthy rapist hippy. Yet I have a job a home and fought for this country(usmc) and I'm trying to fight for u now.
Maybe if you were actually giving an opinion instead of discrediting things that are trivial. Your safety isn't at issue it is a protesters safety. If it was truly that dangerous the protester could leave. Wouldn't it be hard to rape someone in front of hundreds of witnesses in a camp???? Tents are thin if u yell people hear. He'll there isn't any crime yet but people are sure guilty. You accuse occupy Baltimore of covering up a rape that isn't committed yet. If you got a message say it. But discrediting and harassing people isn't voicing your opinion. Accusing everybody of a crime they didnt commit isnt helping. This protest is about ending corporate corruption. Do you have any views on that or do you just wanna bash liberals
I would have to agree.
You are spreading lies that is slander. Please stick to fact
ok. FACT:
That don't prove OWS is a cult it proves that a girl is accusing a man of rape. If he is guilty he should rot in jail. Because one man rapes a girl don't mean everyone is a rapist... Just because R Limbaugh illegally abused prescription pills don't make all republicans and conservatives addicts. Does it.?? So quit spreading lies.
R. Kelly must be at Occupy Dallas
Obama is giving his security forces Viagra to go out an rape ... Using rape as a weapon
I wouldn't doubt it .