Forum Post: Seven Snappy Comebacks
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 6:33 a.m. EST by metapolitik
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Seven Snappy Comebacks for Those Lame Anti-"Occupy" Talking Points:
Good come backs; hit the nail on the head.
extremely retarded. once again retard, you cannot blame corporations when they are assisted by government to practice their criminal behavior. the hand that gives is higher than the hand that takes, so if you're mad about the bailouts and cheap money from the fed, BE MAD AT THE GOVERNMENT AND THE FED. not fuckin wall st and not corporations YOU RETARD
Pathetic comebacks.
Try bribes.
Bush, Ashcroft etc are enemy combatants for their orders to rig the explosives that brought down the towers. I can show and explain the evidence they left and was filmed. To continue ignoring 911 is off the charts -- stupid and ignorant.
Is that funny?
Bush, Ashcroft etc are enemy combatants for their orders to rig the explosives that brought down the towers. I can show and explain the evidence they left and was filmed. To continue ignoring 911 is off the charts -- stupid and ignorant.