Forum Post: Seven Secrets of Self Made Millionaires for the Envious OWS
Posted 12 years ago on April 3, 2012, 6:41 a.m. EST by Dell
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Some helpful tips for the envious OWS:
you are clearly a twit, so brainwashed by profits, that you of course assume every other person is too. you are sad, and more than a little bit pathetic. envy is when I want something that you have, personally being a millionaire, does not bring about a just society.
What we want is a just society, not to be above our peers, to have power over them, but to be with them, on a level playing field.
keep your money hording schemes on the corporate business sites, thanks.
"envy is when I want something that you have" That's exactly what OWS is all about. Good luck
I see, you are unable to read;
"What we want is a just society, not to be above our peers, to have power over them, but to be with them, on a level playing field."
Don't tell others what they want,. you have no idea at all.
never happen there always has & always will be have's & have not's. Good luck
You appear stuck in a feedback trap; your premise that change is impossible is not upheld by evidence to the contrary. There used to be only royalty and landless surfs,. times change, they are changing even now.
and there will always be haves & have not's. when has it ever been any different?
I want freedom. The billionaires don't have that.
really? the bilionaires dont have freedom? ok. can you explain that. and if thats the case - you should have plenty of freedom not being a billionaire no?
The problem is that billionaires restrict OUR freedom. Are you Christian? Do you know that part about the camel going through the eye of a needle being easier than a rich man going to heaven?
Boy, you got' to be the simplest son of a bitch I've ever had the displeasure to communicate with. If you really are a millionaire, then the whole premise that the brightest and most forward thinking make it to the top in a capitalistic society is a bunch of hogwash nonsense. You need to keep quiet; You're giving capitalism a bad name. As is, especially if you represent wealth in America, You are giving credence to my preconceived notion that only hard working dim wits chase the Benjamins; hard working smart people live life to its fullest and are happy with just being middle class. Too bad the millionaire dim wits are ruining it for everyone.
I am far from a millionaire. I am just not envious of those who are.
Oh, I see so you are a dim wit who believes he has the winning ticket and does not want the show to end before he cashes it. Your ego won't let you see that you are destined to be nickled and dimed until you are six feet under. You must be a child then, or at least someone who has not worked most his life. You need to drop the ego; it'll get you no where.
OR, do you believe that if you defend the riches prerogative to expropriate the nation's wealth that they may throw you a bone? Fat chance, fool. They are laughing at you, probably as much as the people on this forum are laughing at you.
You would like to be though wouldn't you?
It is far more likely to happen in a well regulated system of fair play then without it.
There will be far more well-off people in a well regulated system of fair play.
No one wants to steal from the wealthy!
We want " THEM " to stop stealing from us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We want them to stop bleeding the economy dry with the outrageous fossil Fuel prices. This is what is keeping the economy down, this is what is causing business's to fail. The monster in our yard that is stifling growth to reap pure profits while stagnating the economy and slowing down green energy growth. Fossil Fuel is a parasite in the Body of society just like a tapeworm.
Then there is WallStreet and Banking. Selling toxic instruments with no vested interest or assigned capital collateral to guarantee them. Fronting as a service agent for properties with no interest in the success or failure of a mortgage. Etc. etc etc
The for-profit insurance industry that sucks funds out of the system to pay unreal wages and bonuses to executives and so by driving up the cost of coverage as well as excluding individuals from coverage.
Greed has gone wild and unchecked for too long.
Those of us with good intentions for all are here to see this shit stopped.
The rest of you need to get a clue - Blind Marchers - supporters of the status-quo, selfish individuals who can not see or understand the concept of health and prosperity for ALL.
"We want " THEM " to stop stealing from us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" explain this to me again - who is "Them" ?
You've probably heard of them. they are called corporations.
They invent ways to steal from their consumers all the time.
It's more profitable than anything else they've ever tried.
oh - those organizations that employ millions of people, provide all kinds of products & services so we can live more fulfilling & comfortable & productive lives. Companies like Apple & Microsoft, Pfizer & Merck? Those evil organizations that provide life saving drugs, computers & cell phones etc. All an evil plot to do what?
Which of course has nothing to do with the question, nor does it address my answer.
Those employees are also consumers, and those same corporations happily rip them off too.
Wake TFU. Stop the bullshit and start contributing to life.
good answer & good luck figuring out your life : ) .
Not a problem. I have a good purpose in life and an excellent direction to take along with many other good people - Health and prosperity for all.
You seem to be lost though - lost in some dark and dismal place.
That would be the hole you are digging. Helpful hint - Look for the light.
We've already gone over how there is no such thing as a self made man.
They don't exist, so why do you insist on still using the term?
Is it you that's jealous of the illusion?
sorry - I just disagree with you (so do at least half the population) good luck.
You disagree with fact, and make a blanket claim about half the population.
It's you who needs jealousy to drive you to overachieve.
It's you who needs to gloss over all your negative emotions.
So much that you post an infomercial, as though it's fact.
It's not. It's just another infomercial.
You know what you are Dell? A cock mongler of the wealthy - that's exactly what you are all about.
What do you think you are trying to accomplish by posting here and exposing your cum gargling activities? Do you really think people will listen to your fairy tales tinted with you guzzling the cum of your superiors? Good luck.
all the name calling & offensive language really help you make your case. Answer the question? when have there not been haves & have nots? you are tripping about some fantasy hallucination unless you can answer the question.
Dell - query.
Do you think that if society can make it happen then there should be no (as in none) have-nots?
//In fact, a Fidelity Investments' study of millionaires last year found that 42 percent of them don't feel wealthy and they would need $7.5 million of investable assets to start feeling rich.//
If I had $200,000 I could get my family out from under our student loans and mortgage. We would have a good quality life. When I read this quote from yoru stupid article...I feel sick inside. A million is plenty for any human being....all your article did was fuel the fire Honey....we aren't trying to get rich...we're trying to live WORKING FULL TIME only to hand it over to the richees...I don't want to be one of them...I just want happiness in life. I know freedom from debt would make my life a better quality life. I don't even own a cell phone...I can't imagine why you would want to pay $100+ a month just so people can bother you wheever you are...I was raised in the 80s...I remember and KNOW that we can get by without them.
The problem isn't that the poor aren't's that rich are class, character, concern and a give-a-damn...They say, "Ooooo look I made 200 million dollars last year!! Woot!!" my eyes...that's 500 families out of debt and reestablishment in this nation.
actually , that would be 500 families "placed in debt" to support the 200 million. Great post though !
That list looks like Mitt Romney's resume. Bain Capital uses every one of those tactics.
Damm, I would like to do that - how do I go about doing it? How do I go about financing my business with other peoples money - hell I don't have any collateral.
Does it take collateral or just lying so a person can get financing?
Ask the guys at Solyndra.
On 23 February 2012 Associated Press reported, "A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Wednesday approved close to $370,000 in bonuses for 20 employees of Solyndra LLC, a solar panel manufacturer that received a half-billion dollar loan from the federal government before declaring bankruptcy.
I wonder how much other compensation they received in the last few years?
Why didn't i think of that? Create multiple income streams and invest a lot of money. Oh, and get someone else to do your household chores! Easy-peasy. It's a wonder we're not all rich.
if you don't like the road your on start paving a new one.
How long was this road you built all by yourself and did you use 5 bag mix?
That's good advice and why Obama got elected!
how's that working out for ya lol!?
Better than it's working out for you. LoL.
Did not vote for the last one.Did not vote for this one.Will not vote for this one.I am ungovernable no matter who you elect.
No shit Sherlock!!!!!!!!
Welcome to planning central for a stronger American and World infra-structure.
Paving to begin ASAP.
Thank you for providing an interactive example of the bullshit we face and the need to clear it away.
Oh DK best laugh I've had yet, what are you doing?
Talking about real roads? did you think this was about reality?
Hey factsrfun.
Reality? Yes in a way it is about reality. But I was making a rejoinder to :
[-] -3 points by Dell (-123) 1 day ago
if you don't like the road your on start paving a new one. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
The rejoinder being that we do not like what we see happening to our country nor do we like what is happening to our world.
So we of sane perspective are here to gather support to "re-pave" the road to a healthy and prosperous future for ALL.
opps thought it was a comment on the pitiful state of our infrasturure but works either way
It does work both ways as that is another primary concern - our pathetically fragile, weak and out of date infra-structure.
factsrfun has been working to hard .. and begining to tire .. and see things !
I understood you DKA , the first time 'round ;-]
paving the new road to glory ..
Dell was caught with his mouth open "if you don't like the road your on start paving a new one" lol
LOL that is why it can be useful to think before you speak, saves you the embarrassment of making your opponents point for them.
It's just getting easier all the time !
Well I wish it were ( getting easier ). But the fact is it is going to likely get a lot more stressful as the insane corrupt put up a battle to remain in control. Once we start scoring on changing big issues like OSTA, Corporate Personhood, money out of politics - Then we should begin to see an easing of the way. The only easy thing right now is slapping down non-sense in confrontations.
The issues may be on a larger scale, but the non-sense will still be the same. Keep slapping.. use a knee later, as the urge arises !
I agree ( lol ) whatever comes to hand or seems appropriate, just always remember to slap with authority in that swing, non-sense still needs to be shown as obvious crap.
{:-/ {:-o {:-) {:-])
Well , perhaps we differ slightly on that.. When some one wrongs me , I have all the authority I need from that point forward ..
Personal attacks "are" different, I agree, then take all the pleasure you can in knocking them down. But for those looking in it is always best to let it show clearly who was in the wrong and why.
But maybe that's just me.
Satisfaction comes in all shapes and sizes ;-]
We take it as it comes, no need to be choosey.
Check out this self made Billionaire.
Speaking from experience this article is mostly bull crap.
how so?
The thing about money is no body is going pay you a million bucks, that kind of money you take from somebody, that involes knowning the truth when enough other people are believing lies. Why do you think I'm such a fan of truth? I know what it can do.
how about ARod - is he stealing that money the Yankees are paying him?
It's easy when you win the lottery, I should know.
Who said anything about stealing?
I didn't bulid this system, it's not my falut it's full of liars.
"The thing about money is no body is going pay you a million bucks, that kind of money you take from somebody," This is your quote isn't it?
There are a lot of ways to take something, your employer takes your life, every time you go to work, some do call that stealing, but most don't.
so what did YOU mean when you used the phrase? AND - an employer and an employee have a mutually agreed upon arrangement. Any other way to look at it is just twisted.
so does a slave and an owner
really? I always thought slavery wan not a mutually agreed upon relationship. Hence the chains & whips etc.
Oh I didn't know you believed the lie that employment was "mutually agreed upon" sorry, my apologies.
Well at least where I work it is mutually agreed to. No one is holding a gun to my head. I guess you must be from Mars or something. or perhaps from the indoctrination factory called academia .
No. 1: Decide to be a multimillionaire No. 2: Get rid of poverty thinking
....LOL what a garbage article. Rehashing the age old fairy tales and obvious crap that everyone already know.
Thanks ive seen this list before and i used it on every day practices its a good motivator for classes
I love that all of you INSTANTLY dismiss this as folly, it demonstrates why you are failures at life.....
success leaves clues, and yet you pretend to know that which you actually know nothing use your own failed experiences as the guide for what is possible, rather than looking outward at the accomplishments of others to see what is possible beyond your own small minds......
you should be ashamed, but...the failure you will experience in life until you learn the realities is punishment enough, I guess....
Yeah, slammy. You're a regular infomercial.
Don't forget the club tie, a firm handshake and an easy smile.
Oh, and don't be afraid to max out your credit card buying rounds for your betters, they're sure to let you in their club if you do..........:)
yeah, you clearly don't get it....... it's cool though, makes it easier for me, less competition...
Less competition is the capitalist way.
If ya can't beat 'em, buy 'em or put them out of business.
Just make sure your hair meets specification.
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south, hide your head in the sand.
Just another sad old man, all alone and dying of cancer.
Have fun with that. I'm happily retired.........:)
MORE competition is what make capitalism great.
Where do you see competition?
Who's that corporation MolsonCoors is buying?
Gotsta keep up with Inbev, who already bought almost everything else.
Eat 'em up!
Capitalism is a drive towards monopoly, or however close you can get.
Can't buy them? Buy their suppliers and charge them into submission.
Geeze you're naive.
YOU are the hoplessly naive one,............or the product of liberal brainwashing. competiton is what make people strive to produce a better product, a better method.
Who did you say MolsonCoors was buying?
Oh, yes, you didn't answer anything at all.
You just repeated yourself.
Remember all the baby bells?
Well Ma Bell is BAK!
Go ahead and tell me how there is no drive towards monopoly.
You're not just naive, you're lost in a sea of propaganda.
never heard of the sherman anti trust act?
Ever heard of actually answering a question?
Hey, at least you changed the subject instead of just repeating yourself, but the night is still young.
Naive to a fault.
too lazy to look it up? of course you are, you're a ows /soros/ puppet you can only deal with what you've been told to say and do.
You never answered the original question.
Then you come back with Glenn Beck shit?
You can't believe anyone, with any sense could take you seriously.
Get a job. You could use one.
glenn beck? what are you babbling about?
Your the one babbling to avoid the question.
You always do................:)
i do not understand your reference to glenn beck, to explain?
competition for food
you watch too much junk t.v.
teach people how to be phonys, yeah I see that work all the time
Bravo!!!! isnt this the biggest loserville going lol! They want to be losers then they can have something to gripe about. Victimhood! Toxic people - it's amazing.
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