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Forum Post: "Servants of the 1%"

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 10:45 p.m. EST by Durka223 (38)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm utterly amazed by some of the things i see on this website and other sources of Occupy Wall Street related material.

Firstly: the job of police it to maintain order and enforce the law. The law restricts you from protesting in your current fashion without a permit. Since these protests have been going ahead, they are not merely to 'be heard', but are designed to cause a disturbance. This is evident in 'mic checks' on various speeches, attempting to storm the private properties of many businesses, west coast port shutdowns and November 17th, when the New York Stock Exchange and various surrounding streets were shut down by protesters. If the police did not keep you in check, where would you stop? And inevitably, i see increasingly large amounts of hate towards the police as 'servants of the 1%'. It seems somewhat akin to accuse your mother of hating you, if she does not let you have that lollipop you so desperately want.

Secondly: Heavy handed approaches to protesting that constitute beatings or improper uses of pepper spray etc should be investigated and the belligerents should be punished accordingly. You are ignorant if you believe the United States is a 'police state' and 'beats its citizens'. If you want to see that, i suggest you expand your narrow-minded viewpoints and observe the facts pertaining to the Arab Spring uprisings.

For example, Egypt. Approx 4 million protesting (different to supporting), and approx 846 dead as a result of violence. Now the Occupy movement: an unknown amount of protesters and 0 dead as a result of violence. You are incredibly ignorant if you view the government as incredibly oppressive.

This childlike viewpoint is epitomised in other Articles on this website: "Egypt Rising Against Military Rule. Security Forces Descend on Tahrir Square". In an attempt to legitimise the Occupy protests, the poster has likened the Occupy movement to the Egypt uprisings in that apparently citizens of both countries are oppressed by their Government.

That's where i am going to end this post. If you come away with one thing, just try to realise this:

This website is an incredibly bias propaganda machine, and any free-thinking individual would not be lapping up the rhetoric that is spewed onto the screen by the writers.

Note: Don't call me a troll. Doing so just shows you are incapable of countering another person's coherent opinion with logical argument.



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[-] 1 points by MrX (61) 13 years ago

"I'm utterly amazed by some of the things i see on this website and other sources of Occupy Wall Street related material."

Curious, Other than a few people complaning about being pepper sprayed while peacefully sitting on a side walk, what else amazes you? Im not really interested in hearing about what you have heard from "other sources". And please be a bit more concise.

[-] 1 points by Durka223 (38) 13 years ago

It doesn't need to be more concise as it is a comment upon observations. And that 'other material' are those such as youtube videos, livestreams etc ALL connected to this website. I really do not think you know what you are asking.
