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Forum Post: Seperation between Main Street and Wall Street must be no.1 priority

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 7:43 a.m. EST by ltjaxson (184)
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If we want a stable and healthy economy that isnt subjected tot he boom and bust economics that only benefits the super-rich 1 percent then we must re-implement Provision Q of the Glass-Steagal Act that seperated commercail banking from investment banking. It is a crime for wall street banks to take main street deposits and use them for capital 'ventures' and not return a larger protion of the profits back to the depositor - or worse yet, lose the investment and require further intervention of public (tax payers) funds.

Nothing will change and 'too big to fail' will continue on the course that it is currently on, unless this is the law of the land...again!



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