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Forum Post: Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 8:37 a.m. EST by PublicCurrency (1387)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

See highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of over 50 prominent public servants with links for verification and further investigation.


The collective voices of these respected senior officials along with over 100 esteemed professors, over 250 pilots and aviation professionals, and over 1,000 architects and engineers give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These dedicated individuals from across the political spectrum are not irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report is not only reasonable and responsible, it is in fact a patriotic duty.

By definition, research that is purely empirical cannot be about and has nothing to do with conspiracy theory of any kind.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

something is very wrong here. those that have profited by this must be brought to justice but probably never will

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

We must resist. Throughout human history men have resisted tyrannical power and to great effect. Many are awakening to the REAL world and we out number those that would oppress humanity by millions to one.

[+] -4 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

the tree of terrorism is refreshed regularly by US bombings

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

so true and very profitable for the one thousandth of one percent - but very expensive for the rest of humanity.

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Good post. Good link.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

Never forget when THEY stole your 4th amendment right with the "Patriot" Act.

Never forget when the federal reserve used our tax payer dollar bailouts to create 7.7 trillion dollars out of thin air.

Never forget when THEY started an unconstitutional war against Iraq that was based on lies and heavily profited Dick Cheney's company Haliburton by the BILLIONS per year.

Never forget when they dumped US soldiers remains in a landfill in Virginia.- TrevorMnemonic

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." Thomas Paine

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add within the limits of the law, because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." ~Thomas Jefferson

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

By definition, research that is purely empirical cannot be about and has nothing to do with conspiracy theory of any kind.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

Nice links - thx

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

They refute physics with name-calling on this forum, and sadly people are persuaded by it. Keep this topic going. It's bound to reach a few. We are a different kind of elite. Not much privilege in the sense of power or wealth gained by it, but it's better than the alternative of submitting to group-think and brainwashing.


[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

If it's not on TV it isn't real. I expected more from the OWS movement. A lot of the participants are still clueless about what's happening. They seem to think that Tom Brokow and Wolfe Blitzer are basically honest.

What part of 'the 9/11 commissioners don't believe the 9/11 Commission Report' don't they get?

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

"Set up" to fail

The two co-chairs of the Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, believe that the government established the Commission in a way that ensured that it would fail. In their book "Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission," describing their experience serving, Hamilton listed a number of reasons for reaching this conclusion, including: the late establishment of the Commission and the very short deadline imposed on its work; the insufficient funds (3 million dollars), initially allocated for conducting such an extensive investigation (later the Commission requested additional funds but received only a fraction of the funds requested and the chairs still felt hamstrung); the many politicians who opposed the establishment of the Commission; the continuing resistance and opposition to the work of the Commission by many politicians, particularly those who did not wish to be blamed for any of what happened; the deception of the Commission by various key government agencies, including the Department of Defense, NORAD and the FAA; and, the denial of access by various agencies to documents and witnesses. "So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail."

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Heinz was the first choice to head up the 9/11 commission. That outta tell ya something.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

The OWS movement is clueless. QED.


[-] -1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

I've reported Thrasymaque to the moderator via forum rules email-I suggest you do also-if they do nothing, as I assume they will, it confirms what you should already know by now:

SOROS/Rothchild Hasbarabots run the show here, but a few interlopers catch the odd truth that slips in.

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities.  Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc.   Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees)  I could probably list dozens of types of plastic.  There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee.  There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes?  How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in?  There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do.  All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing.  The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control.  The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions.  (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...)  We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine.  Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion.   By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes).   Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem.  The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals.  It has only the life we give to it.  Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN.   If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees.  Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway.  That label doesn't fit anything.  It's pure equivocation.  It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other.   These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people.  However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals.   Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes).  Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result).   The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Thanx for your first paragraph, following PC's excellent opening forum-post.

Readers should be wary of Troll-Thrasymaque's posts below and vote down so as to collapse them.

Solidarity !

[-] 1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Yes, Thrastrawman is now spamming truth with my words. Good to see he has turned a corner for the moment. Shame the strawman has no brain, though. He will do anyones bidding- for a shekel.

Reminds me of the joke: an old man walks up to a young lady on the street... Says "would you sleep with me for a million bucks?". She thinks a moment says "yes, I probably would.". Old man reaches in his pocket pulls out a $20-says "here would you sleep with me for 20 bucks?". Recoiling in horror, she says "what do you think I AM?
Old man: "we've established that already, now we're just haggling over the price." Thrasymaque and his buddies here at THE LIST http://occupywallst.org/forum/list-t-h-e-m-out-the-marxist-bolsheviki-zioshills/#comment-492434 are not more than prostitutes

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Alas, any corner he turns still leads him up his own (x) !!

[-] 1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

The inescapable gravitas of the straw man ethos.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

WTF ? U R deluded IF you think that I or anyone else is reading this bollocks, Troll-Boy. now, F--k Off, will you ? ;-p

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] 0 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

C-NT !

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] -2 points by TheTrollSlayer (347) from Kingsport, TN 13 years ago

Morning stupid, believe you got on the wrong forums for that crap. It has nothing to do with what this movement is all about. Take a hike bozo

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak *"Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] -1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Value added plaigerism-note the BOLD letters. Thrastrawman CAN read.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

It's called find and replace. There's no way I could read your garbage comment. I don't read long winded texts without paragraphs. It's bad writing.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

you are not only failing to rid the forum of the things you don't like, you are shredding the forum, not just your own threads, with this back and forth bullshit.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Oh Richie! You're so sensitive.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

don't act like you know me. it makes you look desperate.

[-] -2 points by Glaucon (296) 13 years ago

I'm defacing posts that deal with 9-11 conspiracy nonsense and which are against the rules. I'm using their nonsense to do it.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

1.Before posting, please ask yourself if you're actually making a contribution to on-topic discussion.

5.If things go towards flame wars, please consider stepping back.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Oh Richie! When I deface a post I'm not trying to be on topic. The post is already off-topic and breaking the forum rules. Don't you understand this? Why don't you stick to your spamming, and I'll stick to my defacing.

[+] -4 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities. Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc. Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees) I could probably list dozens of types of plastic. There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee. There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes? How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in? There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do. All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing. The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control. The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions. (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...) We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine. Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion. By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes). Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem. The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals. It has only the life we give to it. Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN. If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees. Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway. That label doesn't fit anything. It's pure equivocation. It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other. These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people. However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals. Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes). Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result). The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.