Forum Post: Send a Message - Send a Postcard
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:27 p.m. EST by igobyalexis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
For any revolution there must be a source of funding. The people in the streets need blankets, food, clothing, medical and legal resources, generators, etc...
This is your opportunity to help from home, while also sending a message to the politician, CEO, news station or journalist, professor, or unconvinced family member.
I have felt helpless over my feelings towards the greed and corruption of the governments alliance with Banks using our money to bail them out...and then an event like yours happend,I feel hopeful again that there are many like minded people who are from every walk of life doing something to change and break this "Monopoly of Greed" have all my support and thoughts..I hope this movement spreads to the UK as it is the Worlds financial centre.The Uk is suffering as much as the US and there are many people who agree with your cause as it is our as well.Thankyou to all of you
Good idea. If the CEO's and the elitist politicians won't give you the time of day on Wall St, flood their mailbox.