Forum Post: Senator Mike Gravel talks about Occupy Wall Street.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 8:27 p.m. EST by VTV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In other news, tonight in about 30 minutes (Or on the archive afterward) I talk to Senator Mike Gravel, a good friend of mine. Some of you might remember him from the 2008 campaign for Presidency. He ran as a democrat and then as a Libertarian. Mike Gravel is the reason we do not have a draft. He also read the pentagon papers into the public record exposing the lies of Viet Nam and risking prison for treason. Tonight we talk Occupy, RBE, and current events.
R.I.P Mike Gravel. Thank you for supporting Occupy. You will be missed.
Here's a photo of him "...while talking to "Occupy" activists at Lindenhof square in Zurich, Switzerland, in this Monday, Oct. 31, 2011..."
"Mike Gravel RIP: Watch the Senator’s Stunning 2007 speech, on how he made The Pentagon Papers Public" ...
Requiescat In Pace Mike.
" I respect Mike Gravel. I also respect the thousands who refused the draft, went to Canada, deserted the military, raised all kinds of hell inside the ranks, etc. They deserve to be known as the ones who stopped the draft.