Forum Post: Senator Kerry
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 9:48 p.m. EST by PartyX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I invite John Kerry to come down and stand with his military brothers on occupy wall street... He should be there fighting the good fight. I still believe in you
Look ....
Unless you are serving Escargot in a light Garlic Sauce with cucumber finger sandwiches and a nice Espresso ...
Kerry is never coming down to Zuccotti.
Send Alan Grayson in front of a congressional panel and let him talk for OWS...
If the movement wants to publicly portray itself as a "non-partisan" movement, Grayson would be the last guy you would want.
He is probably one of the most highly partisan people to ever sit in Congress. That plus he seems a little unstable. That is why he only lasted one term.
Alan could tred on our non-partisan attempt BUT we need to stop shutting out our allies just because they are (D)
There is nothing we want that he would not fight for. He lasted one term for the same reason we are here - tons of wall street money. He is brilliant and he is angry at the crap that has been dumped on us by the r criminals - if he passionately defends us - and that makes him unstable - what does that make us?
Bernie would be great - damn socialist! Elizabeth Warren is our best shot at a super strong advocate
Rico Republican how do you know so much
I'm Rico Suave ... and Rico Suave is a member of no political party.
you get points for are starting to redeem yourself
john kerry's speeches should be used as a clinical anti-anxiety drug
maybe someone can find a good speaker
its a good thing he wasnt elected president because we'd all still be taking a nap. it'd be like rip van winkle
oh thats right he was elected president. became president. whatever. you know what i mean...
Guys... Not John Kerry, Bernie is the man!
Go Go Go Bernie!
who was that guy in florida who did not get re-elected?
Alan Grayson! He's also good.
If you like Kerry, Nominate him for Direct Democracy President
Direct Democracy is here now
Kerry is a corporate stooge
He could sail down on his yacht. The one he hid in Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts taxes. LOL.
He'll be too busy enjoying his yacht in the Caribbean sunshine, I think.
And his Heinz
Catsup is for peasants. He just hawks the stuff. Well, his wife does.
I heard she makes it in their basement
Just an urban myth. Her servants make it in the basement. She doesn't dirty her hands.
slapping the side of my could I have been so stupid to believe that about her........I figured she probably uses the same film company that followed her hero husband all over 'Nam to prove to people she actually uses her own hands
Kerry was a big part of stopping the war in vietnam, his interview was very important at that time... Who wants to sit in front of congress now and speak up for Occupy Wall Street, That is what needs to happen!
WHAT? Kerry was not a big part of stopping the war. You must be smoking something funny to say that.
ehhhh you probably weren't even born until the 90s so are clueless
67, he was on 60 minutes a few years ago...
Oh HI 67...I mean...PartyX..........waving
That story is bogus about Kerry..........Just like the Kennedy drowning...I mean............."accident"
Bambi you know fucked up shit happened in NAM... A whole generation was fucked up over that war... To say Kerry lied is not true. The Swift boat bastards brought him down because they are pissed off veterans who wanted to win a war.
Okay then how is it he had a camera crew with him all the time he was in Nam???? (and yes I didn't care for the swift boat guys...lots of bad blood there)
he is a Forbes...
So? There were other well knowns in VN and they didn't have cameras following them. They were actually fighting the war.
he was against the war... check it out Bambi, the point is if someone sat up in front of Congress and spoke out against Wall Street like Kerry spoke out against the war. Some real influence would yield to this movement attracting more people...
Maybe but NOT John Kerry. He isn't looked at favorably among the masses at all. He's like Obama. Anything he touches it all goes wrong. Stay away from political failures, celebrities, Michael Moore........If you had a Ghandi that might work
agreed, to many people have pointed this out
I would be glad to go sit in front of congress but alas I have a bad feeling they would not like what I had to say.
Well it would be AWESOME if OWS could send someone to washington speak up for the 99%
Great idea. There's an election next year. Run some candidates to do just that.
I can only hope that the OWS movement will wake America up and maybe just maybe we will get people running for congress that are not career politicians. People that will make things change and see what this country can be. I know that my vote would be going to him or her.
You do realize Jonh Kerry is the frat brother (skull and bones at Yale) of George Bush the 2nd, who in fact came to Bush's rescue when the peasant Howard Dean the doctor from Vermont was running away with the presidential election back in 2003.
Your missing the point, Someone needs to stand in front of Congress from OWS, Plus, i think you have your facts a little skewed.
The media makes fun of people and Dean fucked himself
Pack another crack pipe dude and do the movement a favor and keep quiet
serious, are you like 12?
Actually, he meant to say, "came to Kerry's rescue" although that is wrong. The Dem honchos screwed Howard Dean. Just like Cain will be screwed by the Republican honchos. Honcho is another word for Plutocrat (the Owners as George Carlin calls them, the motherfuckers who run the show as puppet masters pulling the strings on the politician-marionettes). John is married to wealth and although much better than any Republican, can not show his face here. He would be targeted by the Rad 99%'s and anarchists amongst others.
The point is helped end the nam war; he spoke out against the war in front of congress, it changed the war for a lot of people who were still in favor .
Absolutely, back in his day, he was great as they say. That's the thing about the system, it corrupts you. He married into wealth and now he is out of touch. The system welcomes you and after a few years or more, you are essentially brainwashed unless you are a really strong person. Kerry was an embarrassment in 2004 and proved he was not up to the task. If you can get him, great but the crowd in NYC probably will reject him out of hand. The drift seems to be a pox on both Parties.
yeah, both parties are shit... the point is to send a speaker to sit in front of congress and help write a bill.
Let's organize an Occupy Washington DC and do mass non-violent protests blocking all entrances. Now that is something that would be cool. Just like when the Yippees levitated the Pentagon. Now, that got publicity. YOu would get all kinds of famous people to join in. Shut down congress (course the bastards are going to return home for their two month vacation soon, so we got to wait till Spring). Gives us time to plan. We can be really creative and blow everyone's minds.
you think I'm on drugs...That is Dirty Mr Sanchez
See, that's the problem with people, no humor. If we take everything literally, life is hopeless. Like the 99%: it is a metaphor. I mean, you don't really mean 99% good, 1% bad or greedy, right?
"I still believe in you"
What are you - high?
John Kerry? I thought he was dead.
no he only looks that way
oh c'mon good people that was funny