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Forum Post: Senator Cynthia McKinney inside view on how lobbies operate in Congress and the difficulties they create for honest politicians

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 7:53 a.m. EST by gmxusa (274)
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Senator Cynthia McKinney explains how difficult it was for her to work for the people, having to face powerful lobby interests.




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[-] 1 points by MonetizingDiscontent (1257) 13 years ago

::::::::Cynthia McKinney asks Hard Questions::::::::


Cynthia McKinney, in a 2006 hearing recorded faithfully by C-Span nailed a major Defense contractor for SEX TRADE practices. She grills Donald Rumsfeld in this video. Seeing your post here reminded me of this video, I never forgot it... had to share it.

[-] 1 points by MonetizingDiscontent (1257) 13 years ago

Cynthia McKinney is absolutely BRILLIANT. Nice to see someone posting something here about her. Cheers!



[-] 1 points by TexasThunder (68) 13 years ago

I find our elected officials incompetent to govern. They need some incentive that will mean something to them instead of putting funds at risk that will cause harm to those persons and institutions who can least afford such loss. I suggest that these officials’ pay and/or benefits be cut if and/or when they fail to do their job. As it is, party “a” threatens to harm parties “”d” through “z” if parties “b” and “c” can’t come to an agreement. It makes no sense whatsoever to threaten Congress with cuts that will not have any impact on them directly. Our Constitution establishes the type of government we are to have. We do not need to establish any “sub” groups within these institutions. They are all responsible collectively to govern and if/when they fail to do so they are all liable collectively. The “carrot and stick” method only works when the carrot or stick is guaranteed to the same one. These officials have received their carrot upon being elected as they shall receive full pay and full benefits for the rest of their life even if they only serve one term. I say put all options “on the table” including their lifetime pay and benefits. I’m of the position that such a “stick” would cause these officials to get their head out of the clouds and their feet on the ground.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I had never heard her give such a lengthy and detailed description of her experience with the Israel Lobby. She is certainly not the only politician to make such statements.

Go into this to 11:57 and hear the very similar account of Earl Hilliard:


