Forum Post: Senator Chuck Schumer---Senate Banking Committee Member
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 7:30 p.m. EST by eric1
from Corona, CA
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Just as a reminder, NY Senator Chuck Schumer sits on the Senate Banking Committee. He is also on the Subcommittees that deal with FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, CONSUMER PROTECTION as well as Investment Securities and Insurance
Fire Obama and his friends at GE. He talks about jobs, then works with GE to lay off people and take jobs out of the country. Obama is as much the problem as all the other politicians and bankers.
Fire Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank and his butt buddy Todd.
He, Barney Frank, and other dems kept Bush and the republicans from reigning in Freddy and Fanny back in 2001. That is what caused the whole housing and financial melt down.
Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae are only PART of the financial mess. Derivative trading and credit default swapst were also a part of the equation. Both parties are complicit in what has happened.