Forum Post: Senate Bill 1867 only 7 Senators voted aginst it.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by yarichin
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Sen. Thomas Harken (IA), Rand Paul (KY), Thomas Coburn (OK), Jeff Merkley (OR), Ron Wyden (OR), Mike Lee (UT), and Bernard Sanders (VT). Voted NO.
The other 93 are traitors to the Constitution of The United States. At the very least they should be impeached. Even if President Obama vetoes the bill those who voted yes have got to go. they are obviously corporate property.
We had a march in Portland, OR, today and protested this outrageous and illegal piece of legislation. Proud to say both our Senators, Wyden and Merkley, voted Against it! We've got to get the word out!
I may have to move to Oregon, or will freedom of movement from one state to another, without a Federal permit, be unlawful soon? No doubt such a move would require a total body search by the TSA and careful examination of all property being moved. It would also probably require approval by Janet Napolitano and countersigned by POTUS.
The story lies in the amendments that were offered by Sen. Udall, Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Paul. Those votes were 37-61; 45-55; 41-59. All lost, but you might find your senators there. Once the amendments failed, the cause was lost. For now...
I don't know about you, but I am scared.
This only CONFIRMS what so many of us have been saying for a couple of months on this forum: our present political system is hopelessly dysfunctional and corrupt-to-the-core.
The useless and meaningless 2012 elections must be canceled or postponed and a NATION-WIDE REFERENDUM held instead to completely revamp our political system.
After viewing the present roster of potential candidates, I'm beginning to think you're correct. With few exception, I honestly don't think any of them are mentally competent enough for the job.
Google Ron.Paul, he is the only candidate trying to protect our liberty's and is against American imperialism.
At least that's what the campaign says.
He has a 20 year record of it.
Of what?
Introducing Christian Reconstructionist legislation!!!!
Oh....and whining about the FED for 30 years.
Cry more and use your pseudo attacks elsewhere. So please tell me what is this "Christian Reconstructionist legislation", is it the constitution and bill of rights?
OK Alex.
How's Bilderberg?
Why is it no one ever looks beyond
I have been watching c-span like an addict for the last few weeks and watching then dismantle the freedoms of America. does that count ?
Doncha just love the Patriot Act?
They're just finishing up a job started a long, long time ago. Back in the 1800s.
But don't worry. There's plenty of money to be made by the folks that lobbied for it. It'll just come out of your taxes.
Just like every jack booted cop with riot gear and pepper spray.
Be sure to lay off the fireman first!
More free money for industry!!!!!!
YAY! Privatize all of it and we'll still be paying for it.
Just a lot more.
Even those liberal twinkles Feinstein and Boxer voted for it. So much for Establishment liberals being any more concerned for freedom than Establishment Conservatives.
Welcome to the two prongs of the Amerikan death machine, Demoncrats and Repugnant's, all power hungry. Let's cage the predators and take back our liberty's NOW, it's 10 till midnight.