Forum Post: semi-passive resistance in the face of police brutality
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 9:44 p.m. EST by Denofearth
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Greetings my brothers and sisters. I am increasingly concerned by the images I see of what I can only term as police brutality. As such I have given some thought as to how occupiers might, at least temporarily, stymy attempts to evict or otherwise hinder our just protests. I hope this suggestion gets passed on as it seems such an obvious tactic. Those closest to potential police confrontation should be each supplied with pockets full of marbles and BB's . These could be distributed widely in the wake of retreating occupiers as a means of hindering pursuit, or as a means of at least harassing those attempting to dismantle what we have done.
I understand you want to help, but if even one cop gets hurt in a fall, it will be blamed on the group. Dont give up with innovating, though...