Forum Post: Self-Directed Taxes
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 8:33 a.m. EST by DJR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Yes, that's right. Self-directed taxes. Now, before the word "impossible" comes to mind, ask yourself "why not?"
Because it's CONTROL we're talking about. Isn't that (control or lack of) what we're really dealing with here?
If you would rather have your hard-earned tax dollars go to healthcare, then why not? If you would rather have your taxes go to education or infrastructure, then why not?! If you would rather have your tax dollars go to job training, food pantries and the environment, THEN WHY NOT?!
Control has essentially been stolen from the hands of the people by crooked politicians, corporations, the military/industrial complex, zealots and fear-mongerers!
They all want CONTROL OF YOUR WALLET. This IS the heart of the issue. Period. And it's time to strategise a movement around that fundamental reality.
I say SELF-DIRECTED TAXES. If anyone has a better idea, let's hear it.
Interesting...I would like to see a working model...
How about this, self directed spending. Minimize taxes so the government can just spend on what they are supposed to, you know like the those few things in the Constitution, and then you can spend almost all of your money however the hell you please....
Can anyone find a fault with this idea? With so many different people on these forums I would really like to know if anyone can see a downside? I would like to include this idea in my value set, but I would love someone who doesn't like it to tell me why?
I like this idea myself. It is a sound idea that has been bandied around for some time now, the only problem I see is the sheer amount of paperwork involved. I am not saying that it will be impossible, and a computerized system can be set up to deal with the splitting up of each persons individual taxes. The problem lies, as I said in the initial paperwork, there are 307 million people in the USA today, and once a year they get to decide how to spend their taxes, quite probably through a questionnaire which labels each individual department (education, health care) etc. Then someone has to sit down with all of this information, and create a single database entry for what this individual wants their taxes spent on, then the program has to track each persons weekly, bi-weekly or monthly wages, the amount of taxes they pay, and how to split it up. This would necessitate a massive increase in the man power of the IRS, and I for one would prefer a small less intrusive government. then there is the problem of tax-payer funded departments like the IRS, where would they get their money from? After all if people have a choice, they will separate their taxes something like as follows.
Healthcare: 25% Education: 25% Law and Order: 25% Infrastructure: 15% Military: 10%
Nothing in there for government tax-payer funded agencies such as DHS, USCIS, IRS, VA, SS or many others.
As I say, I think the idea is worth exploring, but needs a deeper exploration.
I actually like this idea. You pay a flat tax, but you get to put your money where your mouth is and direct it to where you feel it's relevant. You feel like you have a more active role in contributing, and non efficient causes or unpopular ones like wars of aggression would see their funding shrink by the will of the people. A completely original Idea with some great merit- continue your good ideas
You hit the nail right on the head! Exactly what I was thinking. I'm sure I'm not the first to propose this concept and there certainly are logistics to deal with but I feel it fits in well with the Movement that is underway. Thank you.
I'm really serious, this is the most novel idea I have seen in two weeks of the process. I really can't see a downside to it. If people had a bit of control over how their money was spent, they would feel empowered, they would feel they make a difference, and the government would have to do the will of the people. It's such a great idea I'm surprised a founding father didn't think of it. You sir are excellent.
Out of all my time on these forums, this is the only idea that I will take with me. I feel I have learned something, my minds been stretched, never to rerun to the previous state again....
Wonderful! You see the logic in it! Unfortunately, my only ability is conceptualization. My goal was to try to know the center of the problem and maybe come up with a viable solution. Hopefully, others will take it and run! Thanks again for your kind words.