Forum Post: SEIU Welcomes OWS to the Obama 2012 Campaign!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 10:27 p.m. EST by FrankieJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just a quick note to welcome OWS to the Obama 2012 campaign!
We'll be kicking off next month with our "Occupy Congress" protest in Washington, DC on December 5 - 9. Along with CWA and the Nurse's unions, we'll be busing in members to protest against those pesky Republicans on YOUR behalf. I know... You're welcome!
Thanks for the 99% and other memes and chants. We'll be using them. We're going to set up tents like in Zucchini Park! One for each of the states with the number of unemployed written on them. It's going to be soooo cool. Hell, we might even try out that Mr. Microphone thingy!!!
What? You didn't get the invitation. Must have been an oversight...
Love always,
Unions once had a purpose. These days, B.A's care more about collecting benefits than the workers themselves. Wake up people.
I support and oppose OPP for president.
Unions take workers dues and give money to the DNC. It is the same as corporations giving to big politics. If you stand with unions you are hypocrites. When you go to debates as you get stronger, people will call you on this. You are really no better than the.....republicans!!!!
And don't forget to put up your sign!
Well, it looks like the democratic party has coopted the OWS movement.
Ya think? ; )
They're trying but, many of us know that once they get our votes its back to bizness as usual. ( being Corp. whores like the Gopers)
They do have the advantage of organization and leadership. Would it be a tragedy if somehow the Republicans couldn't get control of The Senate? Let them do their thing, and let OW do its thing.
Unfortunately, they're doing your thing... whether you like it or not.
Welcome to the first stage of being "Tea Partied." lol
It's inevitable that unions, which are fighting for their existence, would utilize the energy of the 99% brand. I don't see an absolute contradiction. SEIU is not the KOCH BROTHERS.
Same difference as far as money in politics and far more than the Kochs. Hypocritical otherwise if that's really an issue for OWS.
Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012
I don't equate a union of janitors that is trying to defend their meager standard of living with the Koch brothers.
The only thing any real janitors are doing is giving up salary to support union overhead and the Democrats.
Like I said, you either include getting union money out of politics also or you might as well just change the OWS logo to a donkey.
1- I don't represent OW. 2- What's okay for corporations is okay for unions.
No prob then. OWS now is just a donkey wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. lol