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Forum Post: Seeking reform and creating jobs are not enough!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 8:07 p.m. EST by grigoriorifiel (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It seems to me we are here, and that the entire occupy movement is because the American people are fed up with the corruption of our government by big business and the rich. Many say we need reform, or say create jobs now. I do agree these measures are needed but if this is all that comes out of this movement, nothing of any real significance has been accomplished. This is because this ideology lacks one essential element to be successful. That essential element is adopting a serious deterrent to prevent this from ever happening again.




Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by grigoriorifiel (3) 13 years ago

There are many more things that need to be addressed such as a fair tax system, enforceable worker’s rights laws that stand behind employees that stand up to a corrupt, unfair, oppressive employers. I also think a means of voting validation should be established by creating voting groups that utilize the internet to monitor for abuse and fraud within this system. Ultimately I think that it is possible to create a system that allows us to govern ourselves using the internet and eventually eliminate the Congress and Senate as governing bodies. I also have several ideas on pensions, health care, and pay for our elected officials which provides incentives for them to create prosperity for those they represent.

These are the steps that I see need to be taken to make any real change in this country possible. I do realize I am a person of limited exposure and I do not take the stance of a know-it-all that makes a list that is the end-all answer to the problems this country and we the people of this country face. I do feel that I have made some legitimate points here that need to be seriously considered. If these issues are worthy of adoption and our government resists any acknowledgement to the viability of them, it is time to call on our military leadership to take notice, hear the voices of “We the people” over the voices of their corrupt leaders and uphold their oath! Lastly I think we need an updated “Bill of Rights” that should include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. The right to Employment security
  2. The right to food
  3. The right to shelter
  4. The right to quality universal health and dental care
  5. The right to education
  6. The right to quality legal representation

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

[-] 1 points by grigoriorifiel (3) 13 years ago

What can we do?

I know there are many of you that read this saying “wow, this is just too much to tackle!” I say what are the repercussions of not addressing these issues and instead passing token legislation that allows these criminals to slip back into the system in 5, 10, or 20 years? So what can we do to tackle this monumental problem? Well there are systems in place that do allow us to do something. First the act of subversion is covered under U.S. Code: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 115. This title gives the punishment for engaging in activity that undermines the Constitution and ultimately allows for the death penalty! Now although this crime is serious enough to want to see some of the most serious offenders executed, I am not a person that seeks blood, and if this is to continue as a peaceful movement we should not seek the death penalty with any such convictions. I personally believe there are worse ways to punish these people. My approach to moving forward is to conduct this movement as follows:

  1. Demand the government acknowledge that the activity of special interest, lobbyists, and our elected officials may have been, and may continue to be, the crime of subversion against the U.S. Constitution and “We the people.”

  2. An investigation into possible subversive activity by corporations, individuals, and all three branches of government. These investigations should be conducted by independent parties such as by organizations like Amnesty International, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian law, CCLP Worldwide, The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, The International Red Cross, or other similar organizations. I do not know the history or qualifications of the groups I listed here as able to conduct such an investigation, this list is simply an example and the actual groups used should be properly investigated and recruited. This step should be implemented regardless of the willingness of our government to acknowledge step 1! Funds raised by this movement shoud be utilized to implement this step. If these investigations do find criminal activity on the part of corporations, individuals, and/or government officials the following step should be taken: A. The immediate suspension of all public officials and arrest of all those implicated, both public and private, in criminal behavior. If this cripples our governing ability our military establishment should be sought to create a temporary government until it is determined elections can be held without the influence of corruption. B. An immediate federal investigation on the part of the U.S. Attorney General into all activity of all branches of government for criminal subversion in the last 25 years. C. The following punishments should be sought for those convicted of an act of subversion against the United States: a. Imprisonment of no less than 10 years. b. A fine equal to 150% of all funds accepted, paid, and monies politically shifted because of the criminal influence on the part of the individual in the individuals lifetime. c. Banishment from holding any public office, from investing, and from owning any business or sitting on the board of any business with more than 1000 employees. This is to include the forfeiture of any pensions or entitlements from the position once held and confiscation of any bonuses or pensions monies paid. These are in addition to any fines incurred.

  3. The creation of a political campaign fund pool to be equally distributed among all those running for office regardless of affiliation. This program should be actively monitored for fraudulent use of these funds and those found abusing it should be aggressively prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  4. The dismantling of the Federal Reserve and the centralized banking system.
  5. The banning of imported products manufactured in an environment that does not meet the worker’s rights laws, civil liberties, and human rights laws of the United States.


[-] 1 points by grigoriorifiel (3) 13 years ago

What is wrong?

Our system of government and constitution, in theory, guarantees each voting taxpayer an equal voice in our system of government with the one-person one-vote theology. However, this basic system is being undermined by the rich and big business that have supercharged their votes by providing campaign monies in exchange for legislative favors. This is a serious ongoing crime against our constitution and “We the people” of the United States; make no mistake! I believe this is criminal activity is out of control and may very well influence every branch of our government taking any real power to accomplish anything within the system that is not looking out for the best interest of its people because of this corruption. Do not be fooled, this activity is nothing less than the subversion of the Constitution of the United States. To prove this, I will first look at how the word subversion is defined by merriam-webster.com:

sub•ver•sion noun \səb-ˈvər-zhən, -shən\ Definition of SUBVERSION: 1: the act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially: a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within 2: obsolete: a cause of overthrow or destruction

I don’t think there is anyone who can argue that special interest and lobbyist influence has systematically undermined our governmental and political systems. I think the one thing people might hinge their conclusion on whether to agree this is the crime of subversion is that this entity is not working secretly within the government. Although this appears to be true on the surface it is simply not true. If a group operates within the government under the guise of working in our best interest while secretly serving their personal interests they are working secretly within! This activity has led to the destruction of our political system as it is intended to work. This organization of corporations have become so powerful that not only have they turned our elected officials against those that voted for them, but they have used the financial structure of the FED and the central banking system as tools to enslave us as a society. If you do not believe that you are in employment slavery then answer this: Have you ever done anything against your moral, ethical, religious, or spiritual beliefs or witnessed something illegal in your workplace but kept quiet in the fear of losing your job because of the bleak chances of finding another one? If this applies to you then you are a slave to your employer! This does not even consider the outsourcing of jobs to exploit foreign workforces, get around worker’s rights that creates resentment against us because these corporations operate under our flag. We are being victimized by a global corporate monopolization! This is the bottom line, if a company is broken up because it is a monopoly but the same stockholders and executives are still sitting around the table of these other companies, it is still a monopoly! Now the Republican Party is promoting voting suppression, this is outright undermining our system of government and is criminal; it is time to say enough is enough!!!
