Forum Post: see below comment from an OWS supporter with regards to Starbucks
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 7:22 p.m. EST by morons123
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
They also raised/gave money to the Israeli Army/ funding the terrorist/welfare state and destroying the local coffee house scene is top priority on howard schultz's zionist agenda...
This is why the movement will never survive and never be taken care of. It is driven by misguided, delusional misfits.
I know the argument will be don't let one person define an entire movement but the racist anti-american rhetoric is all over OWS and the country is sick of it.
Personally I've never spent a penny at Starbucks and think anyone that does is a freaking idiot. What makes you think OWS is pro-Starbucks? Well, at least your user name was well-chosen, although the last four characters are a bit redundant.
who said OWS was pro-starbucks? why is anyone who spends their money their a "freaking idiot?" who has given you the authority to pass such judgement? read what one of your supporters wrote about Israel and howard schultz; that is what I found interesting. does OWS support this zionist agenda belief?