Forum Post: Secret Federal Reserve Loans during 2008 crisis
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 1:51 a.m. EST by barryallen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Wall Street is responsible for the 2008 financial crisis, but if the Government creates an environment that tolerates "greed" and "corruption" then blame must be shared.
Here is one solution that we can all participate in. Vote out of Congress those current members who, in 1999, voted to repeal Glass-Steagall.
Here is a compilation of those members of Congress:
The Congress that Crashed America
Of course, the government was in on it, how do think they were allowed to do, Bush Sr started it with an amendment to lower the standards of obtaining a mortgage loan.
If you want to know how fed & fractional banking works then I advice you check out "The Money Masters" documentary done in mid 90's. It helps describe in very clear detail how the whole system works in extorting the public and the history behind it.
Part 1:
Part 2:
monetary policy needs to change. We need to make it so interest rates are cast in stone at like 1% per year tops and we the people get the interest monies. Here is a piece on monetary policy that I found very interesting. This would stop inflation forever did you know that the charging of interest while wrong in the eyes of izlam today was wrong to all religions 1000 years ago? they were worried that those that controlled the money would own everything one day.
It's a sin to charge interest according to the Bible. Once we go to a global currency, all hell will break loose.
check out this link much discussed there and it makes a lot of sense
why would charging interest be a sin??? I agree but want to get this out in discussion. I think this is a very important subject and needs to be dragged out into the sunshine to be examined with magnifying glasses, and debated until a agreement is reached
I think the reason it is listed as a sin in the bible is because it leads to greed.
spot on, and it HAS led not to greed but to MASSIVE GREED. So I am inclined to believe that charging interest is HORRIBLY WRONG. The Muslims have us beat on this subject by a long mile. Praise to Muslims for this one point. You have it right.
Look who printed it and gave it away. The Fed does what it wants. I agree Wall Street is also to blame but let's let congress print our money (like the constitution declares) and we have at least a republic control over our own monetary system, Rather than no control and barely any knowledge of where our printed money goes. We will never escape corruption as long as we allow corporate banks to control our money.
Well they were secret from 2008 to 2011, but R Paul forced by freedom of information act that the federal-reserve release their books, So now we know they handed out $16 Trillion US dollars out the back door to European banks in 2008. Today they announced their doing it again, ... so what? No other country in the world is willing to print endless money and debase its currency an create hyper-inflation, only the USA is willing to do this, Then as NOW we can't afford to have EURO banks fail, the reason is that the US banks now keep their money in EURO accounts because EURO pays high interest and US pay's zero. Thus if the EURO banks fail the US citizens will lose their money overnight. This is why we bail out EURO banks. But the germans are smart they will NOT allow europe to print money, because germans remember the 1920's when it took a wheel-barrel of money to buy one beer, and they say never again,
On the other hand the USA has NO HISTORY and just keeps printing money, and thus soon they'll have hyper-inflation, which means everyone that doesn't have GOLD buried in the yard is going to starve, or if you ain't got GOLD, 1,000's of boxes of high calibre ammo are just as valuable, but paper money ain't going to be worth shit.
Self-sustaining lifestyle as much as possible and knowledge of gathering food and hunting is our plan. Get out of the cities. The puesdo-rich will freak out if the collapse is bad enough. Being a millionaire is small potatoes to the 1%. When the food stores are gone and the people come for them, it's going to be Marie Antoinette.
you know of course that those in the country today are armed and waiting to defend themselves from those from the cities to pour out of the cities and try to make a living off of the land that is now occupied with survivalists. There is not enough game in the country to keep the country people alive, today, do you think that the country folk will welcome a flood of people to compete for the remaining food? You will soon see food riots and American killing Americans over food. Very few will be able to live off of the land. Maybe 1 in 300 alive today could live off of the land after 100 years or so after a great society destroying de-population occurs.
You might be surprised how much game there could be when the beef lobby is broken. Well, we are the "country folk" as we come from logging and farm family. We welcome those who add to the community by volunteering and being responsible for the land we till. I hope you are wrong about food riots, we are in a bad situation. There is a vast community of people like us not just to survive ourselves. It's a pretty lonely life without our community. There is plenty of land if we get rid of the rape by commercial farming franken-food. One can hope and pray.
I live in the country a long way from the big cities. The amount of game here has been lowered by the car insurance companies lobbying so to save car deer accidents. I have neighbors who poach deer for their food. If only a few more families took up poaching the deer population will crash in my area. If 100,000 people try to come here to live off of the land the fish and game will be all gone, extinct in only a few months. You should be prepared for food riots as they are on the way, don't wait for your government to tell you to stock up, just be smart. This land is overpopulated by a very high amount say about 10X. If society falters for only a month and can not stock the shelves in the food stores, there will be food riots. How many days of food do you have in your house today?. If the trucks stopped rolling down the roads how long before you will starve to death? If the electricity were to be "turned off" nation wide tomorrow how long will you be able to stay alive? Do you remember how to store your own home grown food? Will it be enough? NO!.
I don't believe in poaching but if you have kids to feed.....well I wouldn't fault a neighbor for it.
poaching is wrong it steals from everyone. however when your kids are hungry and you have no food, screw the laws. you are going to feed your kids. I do not poach but will always look the other way when a hungry desperate man does what he needs to do to be the man of the house and feed everyone under his roof. Hate him if you want.
Well this is why I predict cannibalism, us country-folk know our ground, and them city slickers can't hit the side of barn, its going to be a turkey shoot and good meat, ...tastes like pork they say, just stay away from the brains, make you crazy.
smoked meat lasts a long time without electricity, but eccck, no human flesh!. I should start a rabbit farm, they are easy to raise in the side yard and tasty if you can get past the cute nose.
The McDonald's withdrawal will create a very dangerous situation. Malnourished unemployed populace who can't feed their children tend to get pissed off.
There is ONLY one way to survive "Get the fuck out of the USA today, you wait say more than 1-2 more years, an it will be impossible to bail out">