Forum Post: Second class citizenship for American CEO's and Presidents who outsource American jobs
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 12:52 p.m. EST by citypaint
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I read a book called, The Face of Welfare by Jane Doe, Amazon Kindle books, and she calls for Congress to make a second class citizenship law that corp CEO's and Presidents would get if they outsource American jobs. I thought it was a great idea. Take away their voting rights since they have taken away all our jobs!! Not only that but 9 out of 10 American jobs can not pay all the bills. Everyone has to have 2 jobs just to survive now. She also mentions other things to do to bring back jobs. They have really betrayed us all and if they get second class citizenship for giving away all our jobs then they couldn't vote. If they can't vote then they can't buy all the politicians like they have. If they can't vote, then they would be accountable for the first time!!! Its a great book and worth the time and money to read it. Of all her suggestions for change, I think that is the best one.
If the socialists (democrats) didn't raise corporate taxes so high, businesses would't need to outsource in order to stay in business.