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Forum Post: Second amendmet policy?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 1:05 p.m. EST by Febs (824) from Plymouth Meeting, PA
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Do we have a position on this?



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[-] 1 points by libertyforall (6) 13 years ago

yeah, our position is, defend the constitution. it's the constitution that protects the rights of this protest, and the 2nd amendment is our insurance on that right

[-] 1 points by usdarkops (51) 13 years ago

I think the lack of a common straight forward list of demands allows people to interject their personal and at times confused perspectives, making our cause appear that much murkier. To me we the 99%ers are those that have no voice in this country. It doesn't matter if you are a Republican, Independent, Democrat, Tea Partier, believe in Socialism or Capitalism. Contrary to what you believe none of us actually has a voice in this county. We have been taught to believe that if we elect our respective parties into power that our goals and ideas will be done. Well guess what people, it won’t. The only people in this county with a voice are the 1%ers!

Who are the 1%ers you may ask? Well I say they are the large corporations and special interest groups who TRULY run this country. They are the groups of individuals who spend millions upon millions of dollars each year to convince YOUR congressman, YOUR senator, YOUR President to do what best suits them regardless as to what's in the best interest of the rest of the 99% of this country.

Think about it, the root of every problem we face as a county regardless as to political beliefs boils down who's willing to pay the most money to see their agenda done. So until we fix this system of legalized BRIBERY also known as lobbying this country will never ever be the place we dreamed that it could be.

Oh and if you don't believe me, ask yourself when was the last time you tracked down your congressman or senator in the capital between meetings and offered up a large some of money in order to see a piece of legislation passed that best interested you?

[-] 1 points by Febs (824) from Plymouth Meeting, PA 13 years ago

I've been to my state capitol to talk to my legislators when they are in and it is like the play hide and seek to avoid talking to people.

So I guess the answer to this would be: We all likely have different opinions on it.

[-] 1 points by usdarkops (51) 13 years ago

If you happened to be an individual who's hosting a lunch/business meeting with your legislator on behalf of lets say AARP, I guarantee your trip to the capitol would have been a lot different. I say this out of complete respect, you totally made my point. You are a 99%er, you weren't herd because you offer nothing for your legislator other than your individual voice. Now imagine someone who offers not only tons of money towards campaign contributions but the voice of an entire industry! That becomes a complete different story.