Forum Post: SEC Opens Investigation Into MF Global Insider Trading, Ignores Glaring Evidence Of Client Capital Commingling
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 6:13 p.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent
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SEC Opens Investigation Into MF Global Insider Trading, Ignores Glaring Evidence Of Client Capital Commingling
After reading the following just released announcement from Bloomberg stating that "the U.S. SEC is reviewing trades in MF Global Holdings Ltd. convertible bonds to determine whether some investors sold the debt based on confidential information before the firm’s demise, two people with direct knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg’s Joshua Gallu and Shannon D.Harrington" we are quite stunned: how on earth will the SEC, which is the official depository of the dumbest and most corrupt people on earth, go about doing this?
And what about what is an already confirmed act of gross fiduciary duty breach in the form of commingling client accounts: is that one too complicated for the SEC, so it has to proceed with this ridiculous diversion and pretend it is doing something when the biggest criminal is right there staring everyone, especially those from New Jersey, in the face?