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Forum Post: Searching for suppliers, business people, manufacturers, designers etc' for Small Electric Generators (renewable sources) and Decentralized Internet (sharenet) Hubs

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:17 a.m. EST by elis (5) from Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm interested in getting as much information and possible starting to sell/give out a small self deployable kit to generate power and share internet/sharenet access points.

Sharenet access points are small wireless transceivers very similar to WiFi transceivers but their aim is to connect to other Sharenet access points to create a large independent network very much like the Internet but without the government and corporate control.

Combined with rely applications for the "regular" internet these access points could behave as "free internet" gateways for those who do not have internet access.

I suggest that these access points, combined with relays to regular internet, and powered by renewable energy source would start filling public spaces by independent users and contributors.

I'm collecting information and data about this "Sharenet Access Points", and I'm interested in making this a reality AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so if you have ANY INFORMATION about anything I've described above, please refer to http://www.reddit.com/r/sharenet or send an email directly to me: eli.sklar@gmail.com

We cannot afford to "hope" that the internet will continue working as it does now. There were too many examples of "democratic" governments shutting down the internet to their citizens to protect itself and stop the spreading of information.

They will start shutting down the internet when they realize that the situation is out of control - let's be prepared, we have the software, we have the hardware, and we have the know-how. Let's establish this "Sharenet" globally TODAY and not wait for tomorrow and whine about our "civil rights". Without the internet this movement has NO POWER AT ALL. Make sure this power is not taken from us.



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[-] 1 points by elis (5) from Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District 13 years ago

Sharenet explained in this video: http://youtu.be/x1I3uiqeG-g?t=42m20s (start at 42:20)