Forum Post: Screwed by my Ex-Employers
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 2:53 p.m. EST by soapman
from Mocksville, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
On August 1st, 2011 my job was terminated by SE Paper Group due to a contract they made with Ecolab's to take over our job's. They said we could stay over a 90 day trans period and help convert chemical business over to Ecolab's and we could hope we could find employment during that period with Ecolab's. 8 out of 10 Employees elected to go to work in other directions. Several went to work for the current Chemical Company that was being terminated by SE Paper Group to bring in the new product line offering by Ecolab's. One Guy and myself took jobs with Diamond Paper Company in Danville Va that represented the Chemical Company that SE Paper Group was terminating. We was offered employment with good salaries, benefits, bonus, vacation and holiday pay. A much better deal than with SE Paper Group who terminated our jobs. Diamond Paper Company and Sunburst Chemicals with our help wanted to go see our Customers we serviced at SE Paper Group to tell them about the change and that they had a choice to stay with the Sunburst Chemical Products and buy them from Diamond Paper Company or stay with SE Paper Group and go with the Ecolab products and service. Customer choice. This went on with the other Guy's who went their ways and found work with Sunburst Chemicals and talked to their old Customers. A lot of Customers elected to change suppliers and some elected to stay with SE Paper Group. Freedom of Choice. All who's jobs that got Terminated with SE Paper Group was served with a temporary restraining order to stop us from seeing their Customers. All ex-employees that left, Sunburst Chemicals, and my new employer was named in the complaint. Since Aug 1st, SE Paper Group has dropped the complaints against 6 Ex-employees, 1 that worked for me who is now dieing of cancer, and my Ex-employer I went to work for (Diamond Paper Company) who cut a deal with SE Paper Group Lawyers that his Company would not go into anymore SE Paper Customers, return all business the company took back to SE Paper Group and Terminate the Ex-Employees that came from SE Paper Group. My Tech lost his job on Sept 22nd and has no money coming in to pay bills or any assisance from the Government to feed his Family while he die's. My job was terminated on Sept. 29th. The Lawyers for SE Paper Group continues to Sue me and Sunburst Chemical Company saying we are the smoking Guns that damaged their company and tried to destroy them. Far from the truth. They got pissed off because we was not willing to stay around for the 90 day transition period to help maintain the current business until Ecolab's could complete the conversions. On Aug 1st 2011 our employment and agreement to work with SE Paper Group was over. I'm now unemployed for the first time in 31 years. I'm 53 years old. We only have one income coming into the household with a out of College Son that can't find a job and bills starting to pile up and stress on a marriage that will more than likely go in the crapper. Lawyer fee's I'm paying to get this court case dismissed with my name in it by a 100 million dollar company and all I was doing was lucky to get another job to have it taken away by my Ex-Employer. This is what the real people of this Country are standing up against and marching against. Rich Companies/Corp/Government that is sending the people of this Country down the Crapper. Government always does what the big money wants done in their favor. Our Government and a lot of people will try to tell you diffrent. Bail out the Corp's when they mess up. Who bails us out when we get in a bind. You better have Family and Friends close.
soapman, can you name ONE, just one way that the government is involved in anything that you said whatsoever (and no i'm not counting the court case)
Just one............
Very upsetting. They would rather pay their lawyers to attack ex-employees who they laid off than create jobs to prevent layoff's in the first place.
Look to your fellow parishioners at your Church.
A lot of them have run on hard times and very little money is going into the plate right now.
These are trying times. I understand. I, myself, am stockpiling metals in the event of an interruption in income.
You know already what to do, I suspect. Print up resumes, send them out. In the meantime take whatever work you can find. Hopefully you have saved enough to see you through these tough times. Good Luck, and God Bless.