Forum Post: Scientists on trial for not predicting an earthquake?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 8:04 p.m. EST by doninsalem
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They've been trying to tell us that the poles will flip (as they have done multiple times), that we are very much closer to, rather than further from the next ice age and that mans survival may depend(s) on whether or not positions are available underground and/or orbiting in space, that "we know" that catastrophic things happen (before/during/after/etc.) this upcoming alignment in Dec. 2012, that one of the most fascinating "almost unmentionable" facts of the precision of the Mayan calender (that everyone is fascinated about) is that the point of everything that they believed in (tried to teach), can only be observed (a.k.a. based) on an island, a few hundred miles off the Chilean coast, that is so obscured because of weather conditions (etc.) that it is only possible to see (let alone land on) for a very brief moment of any year. Does this mean that "when" these occurrences do happen (as they "have tried" to raise awareness), all (and/or) any faults/blame/etc. are to fall on science / scientists/etc., or the leaders of our world whom are taking their advice and building areas of preparations (for themselves) while contemplating (or have already prepared) speeches (for any that do survive) on how "not to worry" because man (and/or "their") way of life will continue? The only time that "we" (the masses) hear of any (as well as all) of any planned preparations, is when someone "Blows it open" (and /or tells everyone what "they" are really up to) and/or on programs like "Modern Marvels". Then what happens when not our enemies find out where they are (because chances are they already knew), but we the people know "where to find" our elected officials? They abandon these positions, leave them unprepared without maintenance, lock any and all out whether anything "happens" or not, then go and dig another secret hole for themselves w/ "their new personal planned evacuation routes". Before "I" continue rambling on (one could write volumes if everything were put together) recently released from our intelligent agencies (because the public would in most cases have had a rightful uproar) is the fact that "certain" German scientists where "loyal Germans/Nazis" (some having designed "more efficient human disposal ovens") when "we" were @ war with them, and when "they" became Americans, they became "loyal Americans" and many do not feel uncomfortable w/ that fact as well as can accept it. I for "one" didn't see any show of hands, because although I can find no fault w/ any loyal American Germans, I have a major problem with that because of the many denials to every rightful question, that has wrongfully been refused/denied (combined w/ everything else etc.). P.S. Ref. program "Doomsday Island"/ If whatever we evolved from could survive these events, then if respectfully/rightfully done in a human manner, working as a whole, "we" can too. "What If"(The Band Creed/Album human clay), twas only gold? +
too much to read, no structure, but off your title, they should be on trial, if they could of prevented one death and withheld information they should spend time in jail
Well, there can no longer be any doubt. "IF" Roswell were a true event (German/advanced alien insect/and or otherwise/ETC.), it "had" to be a "Trojan horse", or else we probably wouldn't be in this mess!