Forum Post: Science, Metaphysics, & the role of Technology Part2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:16 p.m. EST by modszhrafow
from Brisbane Grove, NSW
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The potent characteristics of these technologies has also caused wise people to question the wisdom of there development. There's little doubt that for the majority of man kinds current cycle he hasn't been in possession of a suitable mind set that allowed him to handle these technologies responsibly. War has always been lurking in the background of our societies waiting to raise its ugly head, and the last thing that should end up in a war mongers hands is an inexhaustible supply of cheap energy.
These circumstances are changing however, with the masses of middle class people around the world being able to develop tolerance , understanding and even friendship amongst themselves via the gateway of the internet, regardless as to their racial creed or religious inclinations. Everyone is starting to realise that there really is very little difference in man kinds needs, desires and inspirations whatever their supposed nationality. In a short time our people will refuse to go to war and kill each other just to preserve outmoded ways of being which have only served to benefit a minority. Blessed will be that day. ( for information relating quantum physics to Metaphysics) (for information relating Quantum physics to Zero Point Energy and its applications)