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Forum Post: Science, metaphysics, and the role of Technology

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:06 p.m. EST by modszhrafow (1) from Brisbane Grove, NSW
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Science, Metaphysics and the Role of Technology: I have posted this post in two parts due to size restrictions. Could you please read both parts before leaving any comments, thank you.

Science originally evolved to fulfill a void left by peoples disillusionment with religion during the middle ages, and has the unique aspect of being based pure and simply on logical facts. The problem with logical facts is that they cannot be used to describe anything new, though they are the building blocks toward new discoveries. All scientific breakthroughs occur through individual genius's who are able to intuitively comprehend future possibilities in an illogical way, and then set about organising events in a coherent order so as they can be described logically, and thus learned by other people.

This works wonderfully provided scientist are aloud to think freely and abstractly, but when free thought is sacrificed just to preserve a certain set of doctrines, then there becomes a very big problem. Growth, advancement, and opportunities for enlightenment will cease. Stagnation and dogma will return, and we will be right back where we were before in the middle ages.

One of the main areas of science that is stretching the boundaries is quantum physics, that area of physics that studies existence at a subatomic/nanoscopic level, and what they are discovering is truly amazing and should fill us all with hope and inspiration. Not only have they made discoveries that provide hope for new ways of harnessing unlimited sources of energy for our power requirements, these very same discoveries are also leading scientists to believe that there could indeed be such a thing as a universal creative principle (God?) acting behind the scenes of existence.

The issue is that before these discoveries can be presented to the masses of humanity in a logical way, mainstream physicists are going to have to admit that they don't know everything there is to know about reality. Whilst its readily accepted that all matter is energy and that ultimately the only thing that truly exists is this energy, what is really pushing the boundaries of physics is the homogenous nature and unique characteristics that this energy appears to have at this most basic level. While I'm no quantum physicist and I wont even attempt to thoroughly explain these findings*, it would appear that the quantum energy field responds to thought, and in fact could be the source of our thoughts and consciousness.

Now there are two major implications emerging from this. Firstly, that whilst science initially served to steer humanity (particularly in the west) away from the metaphysical and toward pure materialism, the opposite would now appear to be true. Indeed we could for the very first time be heading toward a situation where science will set out a “logical” explanation for the nature of God, namely this newly discovered creative principle that is at the foundation of all we call reality.

Secondly, that the most likely way for us to create a society that will allow the conditions required for individual self realisation to unfold, is to embrace these “new age” energy technologies and look toward using them as a dynamic base for the creation of a new type of economic model based on abundance instead of scarcity.

Now I know this is still a very controversial area with a lot of established scientists declaring these discoveries to be frauds and lies. Regardless we have to take the plunge and devote all necessary financial and human resources to finishing there research and development. The simple fact of the matter is that if humanity as a whole can find the desire to put enough thought and effort into this area then a way will be found toward there creation, for this is how reality works. All the fruits of our toils and endeavors that we currently enjoy, whether they're material or ideological, first sprang forth as intuitive thoughts and ideas from a human mind. We stand to gain so much if these technologies can be successfully birthed, and even if it does turn out to have been a false hope, it cant be any worse of an occurrence then the folly we aloud to happen in 2008.



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[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 13 years ago

This is the future. Your right on this one. Unfortunately, science requires learning and study. It's not entertaining and frankly it requires good hard rational work to get at the real truth.

I take the truth that science proclaims over that dogmatic drip that comes from those made up bibles which are really just flights of fancy with an underlying motive to control people utterly completely.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

The universal creative principle (God?) acting behind the scenes of existence is the Universal Comprehensibility Principle. All human and also all alien sentient beings were given access to comprehending all of the governing laws of the cosmos through experiments on their own scales and in their own frames of reference. The results would correspond and testify to the existence of reality independent of parochialism.

[-] 1 points by Dumpthechump (96) 12 years ago

Read Eric Lerner's book "The Big Bang Never Happened". He reinterprets quantum theory as referring to vortices - rediscovering the insight first held by the German physics movement, notably the views of Philipp Lenard and Johannes Stark!

[-] 1 points by Neuwurldodr (744) 13 years ago

Any idea on how the Solar Flares will disrupt this wave of technological advancement here on Earth?
Say, for example...all grids become neutralized....or "heavens forbid".. the Solar power voltage.knocks them out entirely? So, is there a back up plan for that?

[-] 1 points by unfleecedbysheep (153) 13 years ago

There is so much potential energy all around us. The ionosphere is far up in the atmosphere but the potential between the millions of volts it contains and the earth continues all the way to the surface. The potential energy differential between the ground and just one foot above the ground is between 30 volts. Just one foot. Batteries are 6 and 12 volts. Solar panel battery banks are often wired to 36 and 48 volts. So the ability for these systems to charge using latent energy in our lower atmosphere is constant. Simple circuitry can be designed using very inexpensive materials commonly available at radio shack. This has been demonstrated before. The energy used is returned to the earth through it's use and returns to the atmosphere through the polar regions where the ionosphere's altitude is at it's lowest due to the magnetic fields of the earth. The ionosphere is constantly recharged and regulated by the magnetic fields of the earth and solar radiating energies. Complex and expensive devices like photovoltaic cells are unnecessary. Mechanical devices like wind turbines are not efficient due to their great size and the loss of energy by transmission lines over great distances. There are a number of new engine and fuel saving combustion engine advances that can be created with commonly available materials. These engines produce very clean emissions, especially in comparison with the common designs used in all "modern" automobiles. These technologies have been known and available for over a hundred years. Why do you think we have not been able to implement them. These advances would bankrupt hundred billion dollar industries. These business tycoons want to keep their control over our lives. Do some research. Ask questions. Change the way we live. End the useless wasteful and constant consumption of fuels that make us dependent upon these corporations. We should not be worried about how we pay our bills. We should focus on producing what we really need, Food, and clean Water. All people will then be independent and self reliant. With no need to work for others, we would be able to enjoy life and our own beautiful countries, Without destroying them.