Forum Post: Science-ignorant hick bible belt representative from Georgia says Guam might "tip over"
Posted 12 years ago on March 15, 2012, 4:54 p.m. EST by craigdangit
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Someone send this moron back to Fox News where he came from.
U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA-04)... Typical Democrat. Like Shiela Jackson asking if NASA is going to drive the mars rover over to where the astronauts landed.
And no, it was not a verbal mistake. He thought an island would capsize, you know, tip over...
I remember back when he made that statement. He was obviously being ironic, trying to stress a point -- apparently over the head of idiots such as yourself.
Maybe you are a sociopath, being stuck in childish thinking patterns, they are irony challenged.
An island was going to capsize is moronic, not ironic. Yes, believing an island is going to capsize because you add a few thousand people is over my head, but I guess only an educated idiot would be able to justify and understand that humor.
If you believe that was ironic, you are an over educated idiot.
Dunces, you are so stupid. Only idiots, children and permanent children don't understand comments in the context they were meant.
Please go away. You don't share any of OWS values and you have nothing interesting or intelligent to say. Tell you bosses that you are incompetent and should be fired.
That's stupid, if you watch the video closely, you can see his eyes twinkle with clever irony. To think anyone thought he actually meant "capsize" is moronic indeed.
In other related news!!!! Obummer said he is going to campaign in all "57 States" Someone should send this loser back to media matters or huff post
That was a verbal mistake. Everyone does it occasionally. You can't say, "well other people do it also" as a response, try again.
President Obama signs wrong date in Westminister Abbey book, meets with Prince William & Kate
President Bush chokes on pretzel.
Poll: Obama's a Muslim to many GOP voters in Alabama, Mississippi
What does that have to do with anything? Or Hank Johnson for that matter?
You started it :-D
NOt surprising. The GOP is the party that ignores science as we continue to flush our planet down a shit hole!!!
LOL you fell for this obvious troll post? Hank Johnson is a Democrat! You say "not surprising" because it confirms your predetermined conclusions, then say that other people are anti-science! I'll take "irony" for 400 Alex! Stop making Occupy look like a bunch of Democrat partisans, and go watch Glenn Beck, you obvious conservatroll.
Oh really, so what, your the thought police now?
Isn't Georgia a hick state? Them democrats are the dixiecrats.
Kinda like the banished RHINOs from the Grand Ole Party. Last of the RHINOs, with only three left, are severely endangered as the GOP has become over-run by Tea Baggart Mania.
So, Juan, who died and made you king. You running things around here now? Handing out troll tickets are ya?
Troll tickets? Sorry to have outed you, Thrasy.
I have been to multiple NYCGA meetings and the people I met there were extremely nice and welcoming folks, not the type of people who would message me out of the blue and tell me to go to hell like you did earlier. I asked you what I had said and you continued to call me names without answering the question, so you are obviously another conservatroll who is here to disrupt, call names, and make occupiers look like the kind of people who would stereotype entire state populations with slurs and labels such as "hick state". I really have pity for people like you, and your type is all too real in a cable news world.
We stand united, and we are not going down at the hands of right wing disruption machines like yourself.
And thanks for saying I am good at insults, it really made my day. I reserve them for the trolls who come on this site and tell me out of the blue to go to hell like you did.
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
What is up with all of these spam messages? I thought you were a supporter of the movement from a few of the things you posted, but this looks pretty over the top. If he is a troll, you are most definitely feeding him.
And did you really tell him to go to hell? Why?
So, trolls are demanding respect these days?
Craig, why are asking me these questions? Clearly Juan is a troll. Are you protecting him?
And, by the way, I identify these trolls. I never condone their behavior. They need to be called out and then starved. Just letting them continue here successfully destroying good honest debate is not a very intelligent tactic. As many here already know it matters and it keeps this forum from reaching it's full potential.
I've noticed this by what posts tend get postings. Very good intelligent well thought posts fall off quickly with few or no posts while the trolling posts garner insults rants and stay at the top.
I've pulled back considerably from here for that reason. And this. I'm writing this. I feel like a teacher in grade school at recess time telling little Johnny to stop cursing down the other children. I guess with your view, we should let them play as if they do no harm. Maybe we should also embrace the, warmly and bring them to our side as some here advocate.
No, I don't condone it, never will. If I ever feel that I need to just ignore them I won't be here any more.
This isn't the Alamo. ANd personally I like to be effective. This isn't the only game in town and it's effect on the ACTUAL movement is not that big. The real work is in the streets and other tactics that bear fruit.
Half the people you call trolls are simply people you don't agree with, the others couldn't be more happy than to see you continually acknowledge them. It's called "feeding the trolls" and it's why they remain.
Mr. Richard Grouch has words of wisdom. Here's a quote from a earlier post of yours:
"Trying to shut down my right to interact and my opinion by making a personal assault is pathetic and cowardly"
Who's shutting you down Richard?
ALSO: I already answered the question about feeding trolls, it just like I doing with you right now. I feeding your vitriol which won't end because of my post here. But it calls you out for others to see. Mr. Grouch
Your the grouch who steals away good ideas by smoking up the place with your brand of habitually bad-tempered complaints!
Generic Reply!
Yes, it was you that I was feeding. You are the clever one aren't you?
SO, your advice is, starve you out, LoL
Oh man, you just made my whole day. LoL
When you smile, the whole world smiles with you! Your grouchiness is laughable. DO you ever do anything else here but complain? LoL
Generic Reply!
Yeah, did you tell him that?
So, you are the KING, and you decide who the TROLLS are, which likely is all the liberals in here since I am one, and you are clearly baiting me. If you follow this thread like everyone else here can, you will see that you baited me from the get go. You called me a troll after my first post here. That post wasn't even close to what the real trolls do in here. Not even close. Reread it. It's fine and I stand by it.
Your a different kind of TROLL. Your more of the variety who thinks you can cleverly and deviously bait us here and waste our time by talking about this happy horse shit of who said what, and you didn't start it, I did, but I say you did. and, on, and on.
Very Clever. But your snagged. A clue for you, see how many posts I've had in here. The people who really matter here already know me and what I do.Clearly in the same vain, we ALL know who you are:
Juan Fenito is a TROLL who cleverly lies about who he is so he can bolster his Authority as a TROLL snatcher. But does seem that you've been had.
Time for name Change Juan Fenito???
We will remember you well for this particular Quote:
"And thanks for saying I am good at insults, it really made my day. I reserve them for the trolls who come on this site and tell me out of the blue to go to hell like you did."
This alone makes you a TROLL, trolls definitely do love to insult people and do get off big on it, Wooo-Haaa, priding themselves for stiffling real debate and turning it into a game of belittlement until we all look like fools and clowns. Your ideas then have a dampening stench to them and consensus is nothing more than some far away idea. You talk of Unity but you are not a unifier. Your a divider. Even if you were on my side I wouldn't like you!
You are nobody but a TROLL here, no matter what lies you try to spin. In fact, your the worse kind of TROLL
Tell me more about those meetings Juan. What did you learn there, the Art of Insult.
The Puzzler
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
JuanFenito is a TROLL
No. I have honed my insulting skills on the plethora of morons who come here to disrupt this site and movement, and message users such as myself out of the blue and tell us off. That alone, after I had previously said nothing at all to you, makes you a troll. As if it is not obvious enough by your flagrant and angry sounding posting, hastily typed and full of bold text, capital letters and formatting in an attempt to get attention for your irrational nonsense. Trust me, I've seen trolls here before. In the slim chance you aren't one, you are doing a very good imitation of one.
Many of you have multiple accounts. You are likely also "Craigdangit", the OP, who posted this nonsense bait thread. I knew Hank Johnson was a Democrat, but I didn't want to point it out for fear of giving the OP the attention they want. They(you) clearly wanted someone to respond angrily railing on the GOP for being anti science without getting the facts straight, making occupiers look like they can't check facts. No one responded to your thread the way you wanted, so you replied yourself with another one of your accounts.
The only reason I keep responding to you is to alert the other members of this site not to feed trolls and serve as a constant reminder of who you are. You still haven't said what I did to tick you off originally, what made you PM me all of a sudden and tell me to go to hell. I guess not worshipping Bill O'Reilley is enough to make you mad at me.
And yes, I am most definitely not on your irrational, bigoted side. I stand firmly with this movement of change, and I'm not here to disrupt it. Do you want to get corporate money out of politics? Of course you don't. Do you want universal access to health care? Of course you don't. Do you want well funded schools? Of course you don't. So get out of here, those of us that want action will be happy when you leave so we can discuss things of importance to social change, instead of getting into belittling, nonsensical and confusing, "troll-buster-busting" arguments with the likes of you.
JuanFenito is a TROLL
He says, quote:
"And yes, I am most definitely not on your irrational, bigoted side. I stand firmly with this movement of change, and I'm not here to disrupt it. Do you want to get corporate money out of politics? Of course you don't. Do you want universal access to health care? Of course you don't. Do you want well funded schools? Of course you don't. So get out of here, those of us that want action will be happy when you leave so we can discuss things of importance to social change, instead of getting into belittling, nonsensical and confusing, "troll-buster-busting" arguments with the likes of you."
My response:
Who are you talking to Juan? It's not me. You don't know my positions and you have just misrepresented many of them in your quote above.
Your stupidity NOW shows, your a TROLL who thought he was clever. Your also delusional. Unlike you knowing everything about me, I have no idea who you are, really, and what your real purpose is here. But I do know you mean to do harm and that will stop with me.
The Puzzler
Alright. I will waste one more reply on you and then I will do what I should have all along, which of course is to stop feeding you.
It is a bit ironic, you setting yourself up as a troll fighter, and not even knowing the first rule of dealing with trolls: Stop feeding them! As you know, trolls live on attention. So if I was one, as you claim, you would be doing the opposite of stopping me by giving me all of this attention. So if you are in fact delusional enough to think I am a troll, then you are the one being disruptive by feeding me. The whole idea that you are puffing yourself up as some great troll fighter is somewhat absurd, and ironic, since that is what you are claiming I am.
Your style gives it away, lots of formatting and bold text to provoke people and make them give you the angry responses you want.
And, as you say, you do not have any idea what my "real purpose" is here, since you keep calling me a troll. But I do know the first thing I ever heard from you is when you messaged me and told me to go to hell. For the amusement of everyone else here, I will prove you are a troll once and for all by posting up the PM log.
Wanting to take up the time of others and deriving pleasure from it sounds like trolling to me. You have attempted to antagonize me repeatedly and this is the last message I will send to you. Goodbye troll, you can wither away now in your dearth of attention.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) is afraid that the U.S. Territory of Guam is going to "tip over and capsize" due to overpopulation.
Johnson expressed his worries during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the defense budget Thursday.
Addressing Adm. Robert Willard, who commands the Navy's Pacific Fleet, Johnson made a tippy motion with his hands and said sternly, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."
Willard paused and said: "We don't anticipate that."
Like other islands, Guam is attached to the sea floor, which makes it extremely unlikely that it will tip over, even if there are lots and lots of people on it. Guam is 30 miles long and up to 9 miles wide in certain spots, with a population of 175,000 civilians. The military is proposing the addition of 8,000 U.S. service members and their families.
Reached for comment, a spokesman for Johnson said the lawmaker had visited Guam, and his concern was that the influx of military personnel would overwhelm the island's infrastructure and ecosystem.